




Reply to ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle
I suddenly started having this today, on a build that has been successfully uploaded literally hundreds of times. Have not made any changes to dependencies, although I did add an import AdSupport and requesting the IDFA – this the pattern for anyone else?
Sep ’20
Reply to How do I get a tab bar in iOS15 that looks like the one in iOS14?
While I understand Rincewind's answer, it doesn't explain why iOS 15 lost the ability to consistently find the scroll view. I have made no changes in my hierarchy, and the app still targets an older SDK, however in iOS 14 the tab bars have a proper blur background, but in iOS 15 that is just gone. This strikes me more on the order of a bug, not a feature. This occurs on every scrolling screen in my app, which means it's failing for all kinds of hierarchies. And they're not tricky, e.g. here's one: ZStack { VStack { // stuff } ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) { // stuff } } Finally, the scrollEdgeApppearance that would fix this is not available unless you target iOS 15. Seems like a hellish catch-22.
Nov ’21