




Comment on visionOS - Positioning and sizing windows
Correct. An immersive space will take the device out of “multi-app productivity mode“ and into a “single app focus mode” of sorts. Perhaps you can create a Volume with a RealityView+attachment but you run the risk of the user rotating your window out of view. ”Billboarding” the attachment so it always faces the user could b disorienting. Also, Volumes do not scale the way windows do. If a user moves a window far from them, it gets bigger to maintain the same visual size. Volumes do not.
Jul ’23
Comment on Opening a SwiftUI app window to a particular place via intent?
Yeah! This can make a lot of sense too, but my app is a Multi-Window app, so while I have an App-level AppState object, I also have A WindowGroup level SceneState. Can you think of any ideas to grab the "right" window state that the intent opens when it brings the app to the foreground? Like I said in a comment above, I think using "App's" "openWindow" environment property is the right solution in that case, but there appears to be a bug in the beta that causes it to not work atm.
Aug ’22
Comment on Disable occlusion for collaboration debugging?
So.. if I set my options to just [.physics] then I fail to construct a MultipeerConnectivityService(session: session) because it throws the error: RealityKit.MultipeerConnectivityService.SynchronizationError.sceneUnderstandingCollisionEnabled. I don't get this error when I leave sceneUnderstanding options alone. If I set the sceneUnderstanding options to [] or leave it as the default, it constructs fine. Also, I noticed that occlusion was still happening even if I set the sceneUnderstanding options of the ARView Environment to []. I discovered that I was setting the ARSession sceneReconstruction to mesh. Disabling that allowed me to see things without occlusion. Thank you for getting me closer to the right area.
Feb ’22
Comment on RealityKit or ARKit? Which is right for me?
Hey thanks, that's really helpful. It been tricky figuring out the right "google-foo" to learning this stuff. I'll stick with RealityKit. I'm actually not interested in the "capturing" aspects of RealityKit that seem to be really popular from last year. I'm mostly curious about the higher-level APIs for anchoring objects and coaching users through the AR setup.
Jan ’22