So, I'm doing some exploratory coding with what is essentially a copy-paste of the code from the documentation.
I am not seeing my OpenIntent show up in shortcuts as an action under my app, though.
Currently my FileEntity.Query returns empty arrays because I'm not really intending on providing files from my application, just allow users to copy files into it.
Yeah, I caved and had to do something like the following:
guard let collectionView, let item = item as? MODELTYPE,
let index = dataSource?.indexPath(for: .url(item)),
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: index) else {
return nil
return (cell as? CELLTYPE)?.imageView
thank you so much for jumping into this thread cause I'm here because of sequoia too
While this answer is not really satisfying, it fixed my problem.
If you're applying a shader as a layerEffect to a SwiftUI view, make sure you declare a compositingGroup before the layer effect. This includes layerEffects that are wrapped in custom transitions.
Otherwise the SwiftUILayer that gets passed to the shader acts real weird.
Thanks for filing this.
It prompts from TestFlight too :\
Note: I am on the Sequoia RC.
It does not appear to work on VisionOS.
Ah, sure. Something like this is easy when you have access to the UIKit APIs, but I'm curious if there's a SwiftUI-only solution here. Unfortunately, I suspect not.
I agree with the other commenters. SwiftUI's OutlineGroup is not the piece you want if you're trying to build a great app. Perhaps If and only If your view is single column, not user-modifiable, and does not require programmer expansion and collapse will it work out. I'm not actually sure if it handles programmatic expand and collapse or swipe actions tbh.
Thanks for the reply!
I'll proceed by adding a disclaimer for my users. I'm glad I have accurate information to tell them for the time being.
Unfortunately image anchors wouldn't really work unless the user could import a picture of their own wall / home surface, and I don't think asking them to stick QR codes in places makes sense for virtual art. They also don't feel very magical.
I'm hopeful we'll get world-tracked widgets / app windows eventually, and I'll be ready! (cough: FB13571855)
Hah, thank you so much. This helps a lot with understanding the mental model of RoomAnchor.
This returns a GeometrySource. How can one access an instance of MeshAnchor.MeshClassification?
Please take initiative and file the feedback in order to escalate it, thank you. We’re not responsible for Apples documentation. Apple is.
I applied for one on Day 1 and have not heard back. from what I can gather, no solo hobby-level devs received one, just companies with unity experience.
D'oh. It was only a matter of time until I became a "Didn't read the release notes" poster. I figured because it was project configuration it was something I was doing. The work around worked great, thanks for such a prompt reply!