




CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12852 HLS Fairplay since iOS 17.4.1
Dear Apple Developer Forum, we have customers here complaining about not being able to play live streams (HLS FairPlay) with ou application anymore since having upgraded their phone to iOS 17.4.1. We can't reproduce this problem in-house but the error code sent to ou analytics platform is CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12852 . Would it be possible to get more information on this error especially the potential cause of this and if the app is not responsible how we can help our customers ? Kind regards Cédric
Apr ’24
Coredata NSFetchResultControllerDelegate didChange called but anObject changedValues() is empty
Hello all, I experience two differents NSFetchResultController experiences varying context configuration. First scenario: stack is nested, i.e. mainContext is parent of a background context and main context the coordinator for parent. Once private context is saved I get a didChange called on my NSFetchResultController delegate with "update" change key and a non empty changedValues() from the object that has been actually changed from my background context. So far so good I can detect what has been changed and decide if I need to reload my ui. Failing second scenario: stack context is sibling, both main and background context have coordinator for parent hence no relation between contexts. Once my background context save I listen to a save notification to perform (on the main thread) a merge of the background context to the main context. In this configuration, my NSFetchResultController delegate is called with a didChange "update" but the changedValues() are empty in this case. Could someone knows why in that case I don't get the detail of what has been changed from the background context whereas if I subscribe to the merge notification manually (i.e. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSManagedObjectContextDidMergeChangesObjectIDs, object: nil, queue: .main)) in the same class holding my FRC I get the detail of what has been change from the merge via the notification.userInfo?[NSUpdatedObjectsKey] dic and changedValues() is not empty ? Many thanks in advance for any answers. Best regards Cédric
Feb ’23
iOS 16 HLS Fairplay HDMI casting regression
Hi, as stated in this radar, our customers are facing issues after having upgraded to iOS 16 casting video from our app to their TV using HDMI Adaptor. HDMI casting is ok using clear (non Fairplay) video content but not with HLS Fairplay. The sound is broken and playback freezes a lot. The same problem happens on iOS 16 beta 1 as well. As far as I've seen there is no AVFoundation API update for iOS 16 listed in the release note. Anyone else experiencing this issue ? Best regards Cédric
Sep ’22