I am developing a video streaming service that uses FairPlay. Since around February 20th, we have started receiving reports of CoreMediaErrorDomain -42709 errors.
Unfortunately, there is no documentation from Apple that explains what this error means, so we are not sure how to address or fix the issue.
Most of the users who reported this error are using iOS 18.2.1 and iOS 18.3.1.
Could you please advise on what we should check or how we might resolve this error?
FairPlay Streaming
RSS for tagSecurely deliver streaming media to devices through the HTTP Live Streaming protocol using FairPlay Streaming (FPS).
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I am developing a video streaming service that uses FairPlay. Since around February 20th, we have started receiving reports of CoreMediaErrorDomain -42709 errors.
Unfortunately, there is no documentation from Apple that explains what this error means, so we are not sure how to address or fix the issue.
Most of the users who reported this error are using iOS 18.2.1 and iOS 18.3.1.
Could you please advise on what we should check or how we might resolve this error?
Thank you very much for your help!
Hello All,
I am looking for assistance with our FairPlay Streaming (FPS) certificates. We are in the process of migrating to a new video streaming vendor and need to create a new FPS certificate using SDK 4. However, we have reached the limit of allowed FPS certificates in our account and cannot create a new one.
Issue Details:
• We currently have two FPS certificates active in our developer account.
• One of these was created using SDK 5, but our new vendor (Mux) requires an FPS certificate based on SDK 4.
• Since Apple does not allow deleting FPS certificates from the developer portal, we are unable to create a new SDK 4 certificate.
• We kindly request Apple to revoke one of our existing FPS certificates to allow us to generate a new SDK 4 certificate.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could assist us on how to delete one of our existing FPS certificates so that we can proceed with creating a new SDK 4 certificate for our vendor integration.
Thank you for your support.
We develop an iOS/Apple TV app that allows to play HLS+FP Live streams (custom playback UI), some of which use the same FairPlay content key id. All FairPlay content keys are requested to the same content key server.
Despite Apple documentation warning to not reuse AVContentKeySessions, we use only one AVContentKeySession for all channels which allows the system to reuse the content key when a content key id is met again. As seen in another thread, people seems to think this is OK.
When reusing the AVContentKeySession and the user quickly tunes channels multiple times (up to 2 or 3 times per second using gestures), an inconsistency may occur where the content key request for a previous streams is asked to the delegate after a new stream is already being prepared and its AVURLAsset already assigned as the content key session AVContentKeyRecipient. Note that the previous content key recipient is removed before the new one is added.
We also have been reported for crashes (though I haven't experienced it myself) when performing multiple channels tunings which makes us think that the AVContentKeySession should definitely not been reused.
Note: On the other hand if a new AVContentKeySession is used for each stream, the system systematically requests a content key even if previous streams have used the same content key id. In this case, neither the crash nor the inconsistency issue are observed but it dramatically increases the number of calls to the content key server.
Should AVContentKeySessions definitely not be reused? Otherwise, how to handle the inconsistency issue described above?
Hi Apple Team,
We have integrated FairPlay Streaming Server SDK v3 into our MDRM platform since 2017, the system works stable and stayed untouched. As you know, both Widevine and Playready have requirements to upgrade the Server SDK regularly. We want to know if Apple imposes similar requirements for upgrading the FPS SDK, or if we may continue using the old one without any updates.
Thanks for your support!
Hello Everyone Sam Francisco here otherwise known as Ian Francis Creative Director at Primus Films Ltd in the UK. I'm excited today to have Apple invite me to the Developer Forums and indeed honoured to have the chance of creating something that is of interest in the App Store and beyond.
My question is self explanatory really, I am in the Final Cut of 'Metaphor' which is a 42 minutes 17' second Horror Film about Climate Change and I have a deadline set for it's Premiere on YouTube which is this year on April 22nd which as I'm sure you all know is Earth Day.
So although I am quite comfortable and relatively proficient as the film's Writer, Director and Editor I have to confess to being green as tomatoes when it comes to marketing and publicity, and negotiating rights and agreeing deals for example to gain access to the App Store here at Apple with a view to discussing rental or sale options. Even if the film comes away empty handed from the Dorothy Chandler it'll be all set for the Baftas over in the UK and I was wondering how to get discussions going on this and if anyone out there has any knowledge of where I even start I would be very grateful.
Thank you for your time
Ian Francis
Our users have started to see a new fatal AVPlayer error during playback starting with iOS/tvOS 18.0. The error is defined as "CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-15486".
We have not been able to reproduce this issue locally within our development team.
Is there any documentation on the cause of this error or steps to recover from this error?
Thank you,
Our team conducted security testing and found one vulnerability with fairplay license acquisition.
Our QA engineer manually changed the device's system date and time (setting it 4 days into the future) and was able to successfully obtain a license response and initiate playback on an iOS device. However, on an Android device, the license acquisition failed.
Can you please tell us if Time Manipulation Detection is available in FairPlay SDK?
I am using videojs player to play my hls m3u8 proxies, and there was no issue with ipad os 16, ater i upgraded it to 18, i started getting this warning ->
[Warning] VIDEOJS: – "WARN:"
"Problem encountered with playlist 0-https://coludFront.m3u8. Trying again since it is the only playlist."
After this warning logs, the player just freeze's and even the source is not loaded into player.
This issue doesn't exist in mac safari and iphone safari with latest os.
I am developing an app to stream and download DRM protected HLS videos based on the official “FairPlay Streaming Server SDK”.
When I play the downloaded video, it asks the server for .ts or .aac, even though I have passed the path of the downloaded video to AVURLAsset.
As a result, playback fails when the device is offline, such as in airplane mode.
This behavior depends on the playback time of the video and occurs when trying to download and play a video with a playback time of 19 hours or more.
It did not occur for videos with a playback time of 18 hours.
The environment we checked is iOS 18.3.
The solution at this time is to limit the video playback time to 18 hours, but if possible, we would like to allow download playback of videos longer than 19 hours.
Does anyone have any information or know of a solution to this problem, such as if you have experienced this type of event, or if you know that content longer than 19 hours cannot be played offline?
// load
let path = ".../***.movpkg" // Path of the downloaded file
videoAsset = AVURLAsset(url: path)
playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: videoAsset!)
player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)
// isPlayableOffline
print("videoAsset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline = \(videoAsset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline)") // true
Hello, we have HLS Stream app on Apple TV. Our streams are DRM protected. We have problem with streams when source device is turned off. For example, user start to watch our HLS DRM Protected content. After some time, user turns off device (it can be Monitor or TV via connected HDMI). Our app does not understand HDMI Source device turned off. Is there any way to understand HDMI connected device is turned off on Swift?
In our Apple TV application, we use the native AVPlayer for live playback functionality. Until tvOS 17.6 and during the tvOS 18 beta, the Pause/Resume feature worked as expected, allowing us to pause live playback. However, after updating to tvOS 18.1, the pause functionality no longer works.
The same app still works fine on tvOS 17, but on tvOS 18, attempting to pause live playback has no effect. We reviewed the tvOS 18 release notes but couldn't find any relevant changes or deprecations related to AVPlayer or live playback behavior.
Has there been any change in the handling of live playback or the Pause/Resume functionality in tvOS 18.1? Any guidance or suggestions to address this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
We move to another streaming service and need to deliver a ASK, .PEM &key, and CRT to enable DRM. Now the issue is that we don't have that information anymore.
Most logical would be to revoke the current certificate and create a new one. Unfortunately for Fairplay Streaming Certificates there is no revoke button.
We asked developer support who isn't able to help. We then did a request to revoke as described in article 2.7 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. They can only do this when the certificate is compromised.
So now we are stuck. Anyone out there who had the same issue and found a solution?
Your help is much appreciated.
In our Apple TV application, we are using the native AVPlayer for live playback functionality. During live restart playback, we intermittently encounter an error when the playback timeline approaches the actual live event end time.
The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error -16839 - Unable to get playlist before long download timer) / Failure reason:
The live event is scheduled from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM.
Restart playback begins at 7:20 AM, allowing the user to watch the event from the start while the live stream continues in real-time.
As the restart playback timeline approaches the actual event end time (8:00 AM), AVPlayer displays an error, and playback continues in the background.
I am reaching out regarding an issue with my Apple FairPlay Streaming Certificate. To generate the certificate signing request (CSR), I used the following OpenSSL commands:
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key private_key.pem -out request.csr
However, according to the guide provided by Apple and instructions from my DRM provider, I should have used:
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out privatekey.pem 1024 openssl req -new -sha1 -key privatekey.pem -out certreq.csr -subj "/CN=SubjectName /OU=OrganizationalUnit /O=Organization /C=US"
I suspect this discrepancy might be causing the issue with my FairPlay certificate. After obtaining the fairplay.cer file and importing it into Keychain Access, I noticed the following:
When I expand the certificate in Keychain Access, I can only see a public key and no private key.
As a result, I am unable to export the certificate as a .p12 file, as this option is disabled.
As per my DRM provider's instructions, I need to export the certificate along with the corresponding private key as a .p12 file with a password. Since the private key is not visible in Keychain Access, I am unable to proceed further.
I have read the FairPlay Streaming Overview but could not find any reasons as to why this issue is occurring or guidance on the procedure to revoke a certificate.
Additionally, I came across the terms and conditions which mentioned reaching out to product-security at Apple for assistance in revoking corrupt certificates. However, despite reaching out, I have not received a response.
Any help on how to proceed will be great!
Here we are focusing to change the cookie at every 120 seconds while playing , in apple avplayer we can't modify cookie after initialisation due to that we followed the approach to using " Resource loader delegate " to pass cookie as a header value .
What I notice is that the playlist file (.m3u8) gets downloaded correctly. Then video file (.m4a) some chunks also gets downloaded. I know that the .ts file is downloaded because I can see the GET request completing on the web server with status 200. I also set a breakpoint at the following line:
loadingRequest.dataRequest?.respond(with: data)
immediately got error from avplayer status as
"The operation could not be completed. An unknown error occurred (-12881) From core media"
Need confirmation on why I am unable to load HLS using resource loader.
is it possible to update cookie value while paying continuously on avplayer.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let urlString = "localhost://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.ism/.m3u8"
guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {
print("Invalid URL")
//Create cookie to prepare for player asset
let cookie = HTTPCookie(properties: [
.name: "dazn-token",
.value: "cookie value",
.domain: url.host() ?? "",
.path: "/",
.discard: true
//Create cookie key to set AVURLAsset
let options = [AVURLAssetHTTPCookiesKey: [cookie]]
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url,options: options)
proxy = ReverseProxyResourceLoader()
proxy?.cookie = "exampleCookie"
// Set resource loader delegate to moniter the chunks
asset.resourceLoader.setDelegate(proxy, queue: DispatchQueue.global())
// Load asset keys asynchronously (e.g., "playable")
let keys = ["playable"]
// Initialize the AVPlayer with the URL
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
self.player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)
playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "status", options: [.new, .initial], context: nil)
// Observe 'error' property (if needed)
playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "error", options: [.new], context: nil)
let contentKeySessionDelegate = ContentKeyDelegate()
// Initialize AVContentKeySession
let contentKeySession = AVContentKeySession(keySystem: .clearKey)
self.contentKeySession = contentKeySession
contentKeySession.setDelegate(contentKeySessionDelegate, queue: DispatchQueue.main)
// Associate the asset with the content key session
// Create a layer for the AVPlayer and add it to the view
playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player)
playerLayer?.frame = view.bounds
playerLayer?.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
if let playerLayer = playerLayer {
selector: #selector(playerDidFinishPlaying),
name: .AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime,
object: player?.currentItem
// Start playback
// Update cookie when ever needed
func updateCookie() {
proxy?.cookie = "update exampleCookie"
@objc private func playerDidFinishPlaying(notification: Notification) {
print("Playback finished!")
// Optionally, handle end-of-playback actions here
// ReverseProxyResourceLoader.swift
// HLSDemo
// Created by Gajje.Venkatarao on 12/12/24.
import Foundation
import AVKit
import AVFoundation
class ReverseProxyResourceLoader: NSObject, AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate {
var cookie = ""
func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool {
resourceLoader.preloadsEligibleContentKeys = true
guard let interceptedURL = loadingRequest.request.url else {
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "ReverseProxy", code: -1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Invalid URL"]))
return false
if interceptedURL.scheme == "skd" {
print("Token updated Cookie:", interceptedURL )
return false
var components = URLComponents(url: interceptedURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
components?.scheme = "https" // Replace with the original scheme
guard let originalURL = components?.url else {
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "ReverseProxy", code: -1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Failed to map URL"]))
return false
var request = URLRequest(url: originalURL)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
if let storeCoockie = HTTPCookie(properties: [
.name: "dazn-token",
.value: cookie,
.domain: originalURL.host ?? "",
.path: "/",
.discard: true
let headers = loadingRequest.request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:]
for (key, value) in headers {
request.addValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: key)
request.addValue(cookie, forHTTPHeaderField: "Cookie")
URLSession.shared.configuration.httpShouldSetCookies = true
request.httpShouldHandleCookies = true
let task = (URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: originalURL) { data, response, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error Received:", error)
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: error)
guard let data = data , let url = response?.url else {
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "ReverseProxy", code: -1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "No data received"]))
loadingRequest.dataRequest?.respond(with: data)
} as URLSessionDataTask)
return true
Example project
I'm writing a program to create CMAF compliant HLS files, with encryption.
I have a copy of ISO_IEC_23001-7_2023 to attempt to follow the spec.
I am following the 1:9 pattern encryption using CBCS, so for every 16 bytes of encrypted NAL unit data (of type 1 and 5), there's 144 bytes of clear data.
When testing my output in Safari with 'identity' keys Quickly Diagnosing Content Key and IV Issues, Safari will request the identity key from my test server and first few bytes of the CMAF renditions, but will not play and console gives away no clues to the error.
I am setting the subsample bytesofclear/protected data in the senc boxes. What I'm not sure of, is whether HLS/Safari/iOS acknowledges the senc/saiz/saio boxes of the MP4. There are other third party packagers Bento4, who suggest that they do not:
those clients ignore the explicit encryption
layout metadata found in saio/saiz boxes, and instead rely purely on the
video slice header size to determine the portions of the sample that is
So now I'm fairly sure I need to decipher the video slice header size, and apply the protected blocks from that point on.
My question is, is that all there is to it? And is there a better way to debug my output? mediastreamvalidator will only work against unencrypted variants (which I'm outputting okay).
Thanks in advance!
I have a IOS app and we are using fairplay DRM to play videos. In IOS app we are allowing offline download of the videos and hence we are getting a persistent fairplay license. In IOS app everything is working fine.
Now we have used the same app and built for MacOS catalyst. In MAC OS catalyst app we are not able to play the video and getting error code -42650
We are able to get the persistent license from server, but when we play the video with the license we are getting the error. Below are the logs:
2024-12-06 22:05:48.911266+0530 0x4dffe2 Default 0x0 85505 0 teachonline: (MediaToolbox) [com.apple.coremedia:] <<<< FigPKDKeyManager >>>> keyManager_processOfflineKeyInternal: 0x600000322000 160D4519-C60B-4FD0-B69A-20B2A4597017 created decrypt context:0x0 with offline key; updated offline key:0x0 err:-42650
2024-12-06 22:05:48.911369+0530 0x4dffe2 Default 0x0 85505 0 teachonline: (MediaToolbox) [com.apple.coremedia:player] <<<< FigStreamPlayer >>>> fpfs_ensureDecryptorHasStarted: [0x7fc44e4dc520|P/NW] <0x7fc44fa44000|I/SRA.01>: track 1 latching decryptorFailure -42650
85505 0 teachonline: (MediaToolbox) [com.apple.coremedia:player] <<<< FigStreamPlayer >>>> fpfs_StopPlayingItem: [0x7fc44e4dc520|P/NW] <0x7fc44fa44000|I/SRA.01>: Pausing, err=Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-42650 "(null)"
I have copied only the lines which has errors. You can download the full logs from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1feb9pKZERUr--PMt6m-6IrO_mDvoFbjO/view?usp=sharing
Can you please help me to fix the issue.
I have a usecase where I'd like to handle and prevent automatic retries whenever certain errors occur during FairPlay content key requests.
Here's the current flow:
FairPlay certificate is requested and obtained from my server
makeStreamingContentKeyRequestData is called on the keyRequest
The license server will return a 403 along with a body response containing a json with the detailed code and message
The error is caught and handled properly by calling AVContentKeyRequest.processContentKeyResponseError
The AVContentKeySession automatically retries up to 8 times by providing a new key request through public func contentKeySession(_ session: AVContentKeySession, didProvide keyRequest: AVContentKeyRequest)
My license server gets hit with 8 requests that will always result in a 403, these retries are useless
My custom error is succesfully caught later down the line through AVPlayerItem.observe(\.status), this is great
Thing is.. I'd like to catch the 403 error and prevent any retry from being made at step 5, ideally through
public func contentKeySession(_ session: AVContentKeySession, contentKeyRequest keyRequest: AVContentKeyRequest, didFailWithError err: Error)
I've looked for quite a while and just can't seem to find any way of achieving this. Is this not supported at all?
Our iOS/AppleTV video content playback app uses AVPlayer to play HLS video streams and supports both custom and system playback UIs. The Fairplay content key is retrieved using AVContentKeySession. AirPlay is supported too.
When the iPhone is connected to a TV through the lightning Apple Digital AV Adapter (A1438), the app is mirrored as expected.
Problem: when using an iPhone or iPad on iOS 18.1.1, FairPlay-protected HLS streams are not played and a CoreMediaErrorDomain -12035 error is received by the AVPlayerItem. Also, once the issue has occurred, the mirroring freezes (the TV indefinitely displays the app playback screen) although the app works fine on the iOS device.
The content key retrieval works as expected (I can see that 2 content key requests are made by the system by the way, probably one for the local playback and one for the adapter, as when AirPlaying) and the error is thrown after providing the AVContentKeyResponse.
Unfortunately, and as far as I know, there is not documentation on CoreMediaErrorDomain errors so I don't know what -12035 means.
The issue does not occur:
on an iPhone on iOS 17.7 (even with FairPlay-protected HLS streams)
when playing DRM-free video content (whatever the iOS version)
when using the USB-C AV Adapter (whatever the iOS version)
Also worth noting: the issue does not occur with other video playback apps such as Apple TV or Netflix although I don't have any details on the kind of streams these apps play and the way the FairPlay content key is retrieved (if any) so I don't know if it is relevant.