@munibsiddiqui Hello Thanks for your answer From the time you make your reply and I am trying to connect in the way you are using (NEVPNManager), where if you take a look in the app store entitlements you will see that Personal VPN is not available on tvOS, If you please can you help me to achieve the connection. (Note that same code is working well on my iOS app)
@eskimo Hello can you please tell me how to use Personal VPN subclass, NETunnelProviderManager
My app uses Personal VPN, so as you know that this will not work right? Also Wiregaurd and openVPN does not support tvOS yet so I should make my custom NE provider, right ?
No, i am just calling stopTunnel, does this function
-cancelTunnelWithError: force stop the tunnel even when there is an error ?
Sorry, my bad
var onDemandRules = [NEOnDemandRule]()
let autoReconnectRule = NEOnDemandRuleConnect()
autoReconnectRule.interfaceTypeMatch = .any
self.wireguardProvider.isOnDemandEnabled = autoReconnect
self.wireguardProvider.saveToPreferences { (error) -> Void in .... }
Hello , can you please share which package are you trying to add?
No I am not using the default route
You should go to appstore connect and sign in with your apple developer account (It should be enrolled account)
Make sure you have a certificate on your mac in the keychain, if no you should create one https://developer.apple.com/help/account/create-certificates/create-developer-id-certificates/
In app store connect you should add this certificate and then set the xCode to automatically sign in to get the new provisioning profile
destination IP
Thanks for your answer.
Then what should I do to force stop the tunnel if an error occurs while stopping the tunnel or starting the tunnel since the user is goin in a zombie tunnel (can not connect to internet if he did not turn off on demand)