




Can't Resolve Old Issues in App Store Connect and Get Rid of an Exclamation Mark
Hi! For one of the my app App Store Connect displays exclamation mark in "home page" and I can't find a way to get rid of it. If I click it (=exclamation mark), it goes to Review Submissions - App Review page. There is listed three old versions under "In Progress" list: Beta Build iOS 19.1.284400 - Rejected. Resolve Beta Build iOS 19.1.284102 - Rejected. Resolve App Review Message iOS 18.1.263702 - Rejected. Resolve At the moment, in production is a version 20.n.n, so these all messages are related to old versions. Even there is three "Resolve" links, none of those has gave a final answer for me, how to proceed. In Beta Build's Resolve-page is a prompt Before your build can be tested, it needs to be approved by App Review. Once you resolve all the issues, submit a new build for review. But nothing like "Forget this old stuff". There is link to "View build", but that page contains just technical details. In "App Review Messages" Review page is this basic communication page, where I can reply to App Review team. I have done it like years ago and I think that this case is closed and can be resolved. For me, there isn't links to make any actions like "This is resolved a years ago" Is there anything that I co do to get a rid of exclamation mark? Yeah, I know that it doesn't prevent to do new releases, but it is still a bit annoying. -Harri
Apr ’23
Xcodebuild Archive fails to errSecInternalComponent in GitHub Action
Hi! I have an issue to build Archive when using xcodebuild in GitHub Action workflow. The project s quite basic iOS project. Archiving works fine locally using command xcodebuild -quiet -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace -scheme "MyProject Release" clean archive -configuration release -destination=generic/platform=iOS -archivePath MyProject.xcarchive Same command via SSH gives an error errSecInternalComponent. Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code IF I run a command security unlock-keychain beforehand, then creating .xcarchive passes. In Keychain Access, I have necessary certificates. Those are located in login.keychain and every certificate seems to be valid. Also, based on this answer, I have tried to put 6 different Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority -certs in System.keychain and removed same stuff from login.keychain. This didn't bring solution either. Our GitHub (Enterprise) Action workflow is quite simple (here is an extract): name: Build_Tests on: push: branches: - 'GHA_tests' workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: runs-on: [ self-hosted, macos-1 ] ..... - name: Archive shell: bash run: | xcodebuild -quiet -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace -scheme "MyProject Release" clean archive -configuration release -destination=generic/platform=iOS -archivePath MyProject.xcarchive In our CI/CD environment is a stack of Macs with latest macOS, and every those has a unique password, so embedding "security unlock-keychain" with password is not a (good) solution. If it is only one to get our build and test environment to work, then we have to start to live with it, but I would love to get some other solution to work. Easiest for us would be that old workflows, with example above, continues to work. I mean that just using commands like "xcodebuild" would work like a charm. I have also run through this excellent post by eskimo and seems like that certificates are fine. No issues found. Locally run security find-identity -p codesigning gives  in "Matching identities" "4 identities found" and in "Valid identities only" "4 valid identities found". Also, I can run codesign -s "Apple Development" -f "MyTrue" for my certificates four time in a row with success. (We have four certificates, yes. There is one dev for in-house, one for public, one Distribution and an old iPhone Distribution from...past.) Also, each 4 certs in login.keychain has in Access Control "Confirm before allowing access" selected and in the list "Always allow access..." there is at least a tools codesign and Keychain Access. Apple Distribution cert's Key has four "Always allow..." apps: Keychain Access, Xcode, codesign and productbuild. These certificates are imported to Keychain Access using commands security unlock-keychain -p <keychain password> login.keychain security import <certificate file>.p12 -k login.keychain -P <cert password> -T /usr/bin/codesign security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k <keychain password> Via SSH I have run command codesign -s and it gave similar issues than in eskimo's example: "MyTrue: errSecInternalComponent". A command security unlock-keychain naturally fixed this. The problem here is that I can't include passwords in CI after unlock-keychain command. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? My guess is that I am not a far of working solution, but just can make in my mind what I am doing wrong atm. I think that I have tried about everything during these two weeks when wondering this issue. I appreciate everyone who reads this posts and specially you who posts a working solution :) -Harri
Oct ’22