




App takes forever to launch on Xcode 13 Beta 2 and iOS 15 Beta 2
On Beta 2, on multiple devices, my app stays for 1-2 minutes in the launch screen when the debugger is attached. This used to take a second max in beta 1. If I set a breakpoint, it stops at the end of the launch screen with the following backtrace: Thread 1#0 0x00000001018266d4 in _dyld_debugger_notification () #1 0x0000000101809918 in dyld4::lldb_image_notifier(dyld_image_mode, unsigned int, dyld_image_info const*) () #2 0x00000001017f3334 in dyld4::RuntimeState::notifyDebuggerLoad(dyld3::Array<dyld4::Loader const*> const&) () #3 0x00000001017f68c8 in dyld4::prepare(dyld4::APIs&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer const*) () #4 0x000000010180980c in start () Running from the home screen without Xcode attached is fast as always. Does anyone have an idea where I can start looking? This makes debugging very hard...
Jun ’21
Get font size and weight in SwiftUI
Is there a way to get font size and weight in SwiftUI? I want to do custom drawing in code that matches the style of the SF symbols. I know that Text/Font is late resolved, but if I drew in a late resolved environment like Canvas, that would work for this. However ResolvedText in Canvas does not seem to provide any hints either on which size and weight are used. Am I missing something?
Jun ’21
Hide HomeIndicator in SwiftUI App
UIKit apps can hide the Home indicator by using prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden in UIViewController. However, in SwiftUI apps with the SwiftUI lifecycle the root ViewController returns false for that property and there is no way to change this without changing the Root ViewController. Setting my own UIHostingViewController as root would break things like .onOpenURL for SwiftUI App Lifecycle apps. so this is not an acceptable workaround. Has anything changed in iOS 15 that makes hiding the Home indicator possible without such side effects?
Jun ’21
Questions on Matter and HomeKit
Hello Home team! First of all thanks for the great talk, and I am looking forward to using matter! I have a couple of questions though that weren't clear to me from the talk, and I hope you can clear them up. In HomeKit, Acessory identifiers are different on every device I use them. This makes associating settings, icons and other things with them across several devices impossible. Will an accessoryDeviceID be something an app can rely on? Will devices be filtered by the OS? Right now, HomeKit TVs are not accessible to the API, leading to much confusion for users. Is there a generic way to control matter clusters? In the example there is an CHIPOnOff cluster, but I would prefer something generic that uses a clusters ID and a generic value type. This way I can write a generic SwiftUI ObservableObject that represents the cluster which is a precondition for making the cluster available to SwiftUI. Scenes and automation logic in HomeKit is limited. Is it possible to interact with scenes and automations on 3rd party hubs via the CHIP/Matter framework? Are Matter accessories that are exposed to Home available in HomeKit with the corresponding HomeKit IDs for services and characteristics? Are the same accessories accessible at the same time via the CHIP/Matter framework with their Matter IDs? I am sure there will be a lot more questions, but for now I want to thank you for all the hard work that went into this, and I am very much looking forward to seeing HomeKit take a more open route. I got a ton of ideas on what to build on top of this, if the APIs let me :-) Best, Gernot.
Jun ’21