Why can't I create more than one certificate?
Seems like the validation tool was fixed on the Apple side. We were able to submit a build containing Unity. Can anybody also confirm?
It is confirmed that removing Unity will lead to a successfull build upload
We've started to getting this today out of nowhere:
26c61a7b364f Asset validation failed (-19208)
NSLocalizedDescription = "The app references non-public selectors in Payload/HouzzPro.app/HouzzPro: appController, cancelTapped, didBecomeActive, rootView With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.50 for id 88ff4f01-cd1f-4196-889e-26c61a7b364f";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Asset validation failed";
Sorry, I was wrong. I used AppStoreConnect API to check for all our builds available. I found out that we don't have a build with that version number for any of our apps. Hence, I don't understand what might be a problem then.
I'm still unable to upload the same build number for the same version number but for two different apps.
I have the same issue with one of our iOS apps. The second one, having higher builds numbers, uploads just fine. Does it mean that build numbers are now shared across all the apps available for one account?