




How to define PROMO CODES
I got two promo codes, but cannot find out where to define, what they are for. How long are they good for? What do they get the user? When do they expire? Where can I set the limits and define what the promo code is good for? Cannot find a video or even a readable page telling me WHERE to click. Help!
Jul ’21
Not possible to remove App from Kids category, even after 17+ rating
We've developed a wholesome and non-threatening puzzle App, but Apple does not like unused/uncalled code in Unity's IAP package. Cannot turn on IAP package and without Analytics by default -- no IAP possible through Unity code! We tried repeatedly to remove it and Unity says it shouldn't be there, but apparently it is! After a dozen attempts to fix it being rejected by Apple with no specifics or solutions possible, we decided to drop our App from sale to kids. We set the rating to 17+ but Connect reviewers still say it is in the Kids category and rejected it for the same reason. Two questions... Q1) How do we tell Connect the App should NOT be put in the Kids category? Q2) Will Unity and Apple get together and help independent App developers with this problem - voiced by many others?
Jun ’21
Localizations fields not saving text
We've developed our app for 22 languages, and have found that Apple Connect does NOT save the description fields when we move from one localization to another. For example, I fill the Russian boxes with Cyrillic text, then move on to French and do the same. Go back to Russian and the Description is in French. and save Repeated saves, going for one box at a time and saving. This has happened over and over for multiple languages, for three apps now. The only solution is to do it again and again until it finally works. Working on a new Mini Mac for this. btw our text is being copied from Apple Numbers spreadsheets.
Jun ’21