Cool ! That almost asnwers the problem I am having , too!One question, though: where would I find the 'Developer ID Installer certificate identifier' ?Also, I don't think I have an 'app-specific PW' - what do I do?The last step in your instractions is not clear to me:does 'xcrun stapler staple XYZZY.saver' "run stapler against each individual item" for me?or do I have to do this for each and every item inside the package myself?Thanks a lot in advance!
Soryy I'm seeing this only now.Re your question: I am getting a siectory from the user. For that, I create a security-scoped bookmark. Also, I create a list of files in that directory. I store both in the user preferences. Next time the app is invoked, I load the SSB, resolve it, and startAccessingSecurityScopedResource.I am testing iths on my developer machine. And it cannot delete external files on external USB drives connected to that machine.
Thanks a lot. But I still doesn't work for me.I tried your suggestion, so I added the lines with autoresizingMask and translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to ArtSaverView.And I have implemented these methods in the ArtSaverView:- (void) setFrameSize: (NSSize) newSize
- (void) viewDidEndLiveResize
- (void) resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: (NSSize) oldSize
- (void) resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: (NSSize) oldSizeBut i have two puzzles:1.No matter what I do, only viewDidEndLiveResize gets called duering runtime when I resize the window.(and resizeWithOldSuperviewSize only gets called once at the beginning.)2.Even in viewDidEndLiveResize, I seem to be unable to resize the ArtSaverView; the rectangle always keeps its initial size.Here is how I implemented it:- (void) viewDidEndLiveResize
// drawRect_ = [self frame];
// drawRect_ = [super bounds];
drawRect_ = [selfbounds];
[self logMessage: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"viewDidEndLiveResize: origin = %f , %f ; size = %f , %f",
drawRect_.origin.x, drawRect_.origin.y, drawRect_.size.width, drawRect_.size.height] asError: NO];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[super viewDidEndLiveResize];
}This does get called whenever I resize the window, but the size of the ArtSaverView's rectangle never changes.What am I missing?Do have to implement anything else in MasterViewController?
Thanks a lot for your response.Could you please give a few more details?What should I implement in windowDidResize ? (obj-c)
Thanks a million, that helped me move forward. It almost works now.First of all, I tried the first method (layoutIfNeeded in windowDidResize, constraints are declared as class properties and created in viewDidLoad). That did not change anything.Then I tried this:- (void) windowDidEndLiveResize: (NSNotification *) notification
logMessage( log_client_, @"windowDidEndLiveResize", NO ); //TODO: RAUS
// [self.window layoutIfNeeded]; // doesn't make the view's resize
self.masterViewController.view.frame = ((NSView*) self.window.contentView).bounds;
}This seems to work. (Is this a correct way to do it?)Now, there is still one bug. In ArtSaverView's -initWithFrame:, I create two layers, one for images, one for 1-2 lines of text. They are created like this: mainLayer_ = [CALayer layer];
mainLayer_.zPosition = 0.0;
mainLayer_.delegate = self;
[mainLayer_ setNeedsDisplay]; // causes the layer content to be drawn in -drawRect:
[self setLayer: mainLayer_];
self.wantsLayer = YES;
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// the image layer
currentLayer_ = [CALayer layer];
[mainLayer_ addSublayer: currentLayer_];
textLayer_ = [CATextLayer layer];
textLayer_.zPosition = 0.0;
textLayer_.bounds = NSRectToCGRect( drawRect_ );
textLayer_.anchorPoint = CGPointMake( 0, 0 );
// ... omitting some less important settings here
textLayer_.position = CGPointMake( 7.0, 7.0 ); // offset from bottom left corner
textLayer_.shadowColor = CGColorCreateGenericRGB( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
textLayer_.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
textLayer_.shadowRadius = 4.0;The funny thing is, after resizing the window, the text layer springs to the top left, but its shadow remains at the bottom left, like this: mind the black part of the window). The proper layout looks like this: mind it's a different image).Any ideas what might cause this bug?Thanks a lot in advance.
I have now used Google Chrome, that seems to work.
Thanks a lot for your response!
I have just checked with a pristine account: screensavers quit when I press any key, just as expected.
So, I am more puzzled now: what could be causing this odd behavior with my account?
PS: my macbook is connected to one external display, with the lid closed.
OK, thanks a lot for your comments. How I would identify them is easy: if they write me an email, and I think they are one of the beta testers, then I'd give them the code for free download :-)
Cool, I think that's exactly it. Until now, I had overlooked that feature in appstoreconncet.
Thanks a million!