The childNodes "few" or "many" are made children of the secondNode.
DOH! it probably would have worked if my class SCNGeometry had the encoder and decoder with which to archive. this class was the very first object when i started programming several years ago. new to Swift then, the class now needs a lot of reworking. maybe that's why copy() and mutableCopy() failed in the first place.
Thanks Bill3D for causing me to have a look in another direction.
thanks for the reply, however...
the deepClone() produces empty SCNGeometry's when acting on an instance of the class. the "try" never throws an error to catch.
Works for me too! Thanks
I see keys: current, downloaded, and notDownloaded, but no variables for progress. The spinning beachball will have to do.
Thanks for letting me know that URLSession was a dead end though.
Turns out, I was declaring new instances of a structure within each loop. Rookie mistake. Replaced most of my DQ's with Task(), sendable func().
Works great!
just to be clear, the DQ morph's to:
DispatchQueue.main.async{ self.loop_count += Int(pow(Double(loopSet.count), 6.0)) }
It is not continuous but it need not be.
The alerts/warnings have returned. Added -DACCELERATE_NEW_LAPACK to "Build Settings"/"Apple Clang - Custom Compiler Flags"/Debug & Release but alerts/warnings persist. Nevertheless, Build Succeeds and LAPACK generated data.
FYI: "man sysctlbyname" does deliver a man page but "which sysctlbyname" gives: "sysctlbyname not found". Also, mdfind sysctlbyname is void.
OK, that's all the unique code. If you cut and paste into a new project of your making, you can run it and get the same errors. Thanks.
NO. runtime actually aborts @ aCoder.encode(e_Two, forKey: CodingKeys.e_Two.rawValue) during a save-to-file function.
the runtime aborts when it hits a classTwo.init() @ self.e_Two = e_Two ?? [class...
Nope, my class has optional arrays of unknown count.
Actually, since the size of the structures ARE known if they are populated, i.e, they are a class instance with optional variables, I could use that full size. It may be inefficient, disk wise, but is the best option so far.