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Hi,I'm using a UITableViewController to sellect multiple cells.tableView.allowsMultipleSelection = true tableView.allowsSelectionDuringEditing = trueThis works fine until the user makes a swipe action. A the moment the swipe action start all TableViewCells get deselected. Is there a way to keep selection state?
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I need the timezone of the device for a registration flow. It get's submitted to a backend server. I setup a device and adjusted the TimeZone to San Francisco and tried the following. swift let identifier = TimeZone.current.identifier The identifier is US/Pacific - looking nice to me. But the server developer isn't happy about that. He expects the format America/Los_Angeles I tried to get that fomat but failed, any solution to the issue?
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Hi, I use UISteppers inside UICollectionViewCells. I configured everything by Xib, but the autorepeat and isContinuous get ignored. IBAction method gets called once. If I tap and hold nothing happens. This. only happens inside CollectionViewCells - if used in a normal View or TableViewCell everything seems to work as expected. Anyone has seen this issue before and knows how to resolve it? Best Regards, Kai
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I trie to download lates beta of macOS Big Sur. But loading never stops. It reaches 9.56 GB of 9.56 GB but sill shows loading - for 12 hours now. Anyone knows what problem this is and how to slove it?
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I embedded an AVPlayerViewController inside of my ViewController like that: avPlayerViewController.player = AVPlayer(url: viewModel.videoURL) avPlayerViewController.delegate = self addChild(avPlayerViewController) view.addSubview(avPlayerViewController.view) avPlayerViewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ avPlayerViewController.view.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.centerXAnchor), avPlayerViewController.view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.centerYAnchor), avPlayerViewController.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.widthAnchor), avPlayerViewController.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.heightAnchor) ]) avPlayerViewController.didMove(toParent: parent)If video playback is runing I can open fullscreen mode (and leave it). But if I use pinch to zoom the running video, at the moment my fingers lift from screen I can see the running video zoom back to normal size and next all I can see is a black screen. I can still hear the audio from video playback, but no interaction is possible.Xcode 11.2.1 gets used.Any solution for this issue known?Regards,Kai
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Hi,I can't develop with my iOS 13.2 devices right now. Xcode 11.1 doesnt' support iOs 13.2 yet.Where is the required update, I can't find it?Regards,Kai
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