UIStepper autorepeat & isContinuous not working

I use UISteppers inside UICollectionViewCells. I configured everything by Xib, but the autorepeat and isContinuous get ignored. IBAction method gets called once. If I tap and hold nothing happens.

This. only happens inside CollectionViewCells - if used in a normal View or TableViewCell everything seems to work as expected.

Anyone has seen this issue before and knows how to resolve it?

Best Regards,
I did build a demo project and can see that the problem only appears if new diffabledatasource gets use.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, still investigating.
I found a workaround:
  • the problem does appear if I user UiCollectionViewController as a base class

  • I use a custom init() to setup UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout and call super.init(collectionViewLayout: layout) with my layout

  • the layout looks exactly as I wanted but the stepper behavior is wrong

If I use a UIViewController as a base class, it works as expected.
UIStepper autorepeat & isContinuous not working