




MapView - Exceeded Metal Buffer threshold of 50000 resources
After updating to iOS 16.1 we realized that our micromobility app is no longer working as it was before. Specifically, if we zoom in and zoom out several times, app gets frozen. It is not crashing, just freezing and becoming completely unresponsive. So user has no other option than killing the app. We have Mkpolygons drawn on map. I think we have about 10 polygons and that is it. So I honestly don't know how we can reach 50k resources. As pointed out in stackoverflow, setting mapType to something else and returning it back to standard helps. (we tried doing this in regionDidChangeAnimated). Apparently it clears the map's cache. But it causes a big flickering issue (because we are setting map to something else). And we don't like to fix one issue by creating another issue. I saw in Apple Developer Forums that someone else also pointed this out and in that topic they said this also happens in iOS 16.0, but I can't confirm that. I am wondering if you guys could help us solve this issue in case we are doing something wrong. Thanks in advance.
Nov ’22
Can't transfer app due to TestFlight
Hello, We are trying to transfer our application to a different account (the app has its own company now). But we are stuck at "TestFlight" section. We removed everyone from testflight and also cleared all the info. However, one person kinda stuck there. Even though its status is "deleted", it is still visible while other users are completely vanished from the list when we deleted them. 1- Is this the reason why we can't transfer our app? If so, how do we completely delete this guy? 2- If this is not the reason, what else should we do to? We receive error only in the TestFlight section.
Nov ’21