Could you please explain why SKOverlay doesn’t appear when all set of needed for SKAdNetwork v2 parameters is passed to it’s configuration?
I’m using “setAdditionalValue:forKey:” as described here
I’m setting all key-value pairs needed for SKAdNetwork v2 - and calling “presentInScene:” method of SKOverlay - SKOverlay is not presented.
Now, for example I’m removing key-value pair for “nonce” - and SKOverlay is presented. But SKAdNetwork attribution flow won’t be started since one parameter is missing, right? What should I do?
Thanks in advance!
p.s. in Xcode logs there are the following messages when SKOverlay does not appear:
2020-09-27 21:35:54.422906-0700 SKOverlayTest[541:33370] [lifecycle] [u 9CD44E4F-76A5-43EA-B7B9-074EDCE7C77E:m (null)] [] Connection to plugin interrupted while in use.
2020-09-27 21:35:54.424559-0700 SKOverlayTest[541:33370] [lifecycle] [u 9CD44E4F-76A5-43EA-B7B9-074EDCE7C77E:m (null)] [] Connection to plugin invalidated while in use.
2020-09-27 21:35:54.425056-0700 SKOverlayTest[541:33299] viewServiceDidTerminateWithError:: Error Domain=_UIViewServiceInterfaceErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={Message=Service Connection Interrupted}
Previously in documentation for registering ad network ( it was written that private-public keys should be generated using prime192v1 curve. We've generated our keys according to the doc. We are still successfully receiving SKAdNetwork v2 postbacks with our keys.
Now it is written that curve should be prime256v1.
Should we regenerate our keys and send new public key to Apple? What is the process of updating public key?
Does anyone already updated from p192 to p256 and is receiving postbacks with updated keys?
Thanks in advance!
Hi guys!
Has anyone already created Custom Product Page for his app on AppStore and have it now live?
I would like to test how redirect works from my sample app to CPP on AppStore, but could not find any example URL yet.
Could you please share such URL if you have one?
I would appreciate a lot!
Thank you
Documentation says that SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier is required key for SKAdNetwork v4.0. We should pass to StoreKit controller key-value pair with source identifier. However I am not sure about SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkCampaignIdentifier? Does it need to be passed to StoreKit too or not?
(I tried to pass only only source identifier and both source identifier + campaign ID, but I did not receive postback in any case)
Value for SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier should be of NSNumber type? Or might be NSString expected? It is not written in documentation explicitly as for example it is written for SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkCampaignIdentifier
Two methods which were used before for app attribution are marked as deprecated for iOS > 15.4:
+ (void)registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution;
+ (void)updateConversionValue:(NSInteger)conversionValue;
Does it mean that advertised apps which uses one of these methods aren't suitable for attribution on iOS 16.1 and SKAD 4.0? Only new one below
+ (void)updatePostbackConversionValue:(NSInteger)fineValue
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))completion;
has chance to lead to attribution postback on iOS 16.1+ and SKAD 4.0?
Or they are deprecated but still functional and I can expect postbacks from advertised apps which are not updated to new attribution API?
Did anyone already received postbacks for SKAD v4.0? For which apps?
Thanks a lot in advance!