- Documentation says that SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier is required key for SKAdNetwork v4.0. We should pass to StoreKit controller key-value pair with source identifier. However I am not sure about SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkCampaignIdentifier? Does it need to be passed to StoreKit too or not?
(I tried to pass only only source identifier and both source identifier + campaign ID, but I did not receive postback in any case)
Value for SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier should be of NSNumber type? Or might be NSString expected? It is not written in documentation explicitly as for example it is written for SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkCampaignIdentifier
Two methods which were used before for app attribution are marked as deprecated for iOS > 15.4:
+ (void)registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution;
+ (void)updateConversionValue:(NSInteger)conversionValue;
Does it mean that advertised apps which uses one of these methods aren't suitable for attribution on iOS 16.1 and SKAD 4.0? Only new one below
+ (void)updatePostbackConversionValue:(NSInteger)fineValue
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))completion;
has chance to lead to attribution postback on iOS 16.1+ and SKAD 4.0?
Or they are deprecated but still functional and I can expect postbacks from advertised apps which are not updated to new attribution API?
- Did anyone already received postbacks for SKAD v4.0? For which apps?
Thanks a lot in advance!