When using Apple weatherkit getting {'reason': 'NOT_ENABLED'} error tried getting new keys and service id's
When using Apple weatherkit getting {'reason': 'NOT_ENABLED'} error tried getting new keys and service id's
when running my app on the app store (weather psychic) on a iphone then type co in the text field and press a suggestion on the default iphone keyboard like columbus or something like that then the text becomes cocolumbus instead of columbus.Note : This is a python and kivymd app
When running my program on my mac using xcode getting /Users/suhaan/Documents/kivy-ios/weatherpsychic-ios/Storyboards/Launch Screen.storyboard: iOS storyboards do not support target device type "mac".
I made a model using pytorch and then converted it into a mlmodel file. Next I tried and downloaded (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/vision/recognizing_objects_in_live_capture) which worked! But when I changed the model to my model that I made, the camera worked, but no predictions where shown please