




Authentication working on VM? ...sort of
Most of the time I find myself asking the question why something doesn't work when I had reasonable expectation that it would. In this case I find my self asking why something worked when I had NO expectation that it would! It is well known that Apple's virtual machine sample code does not support authentication with Apple services: iCloud, iTunes, Developer, etc. So it was a great surprise when I attempted to update Ventura beta 1 to beta 2...IT WORKED! System Update was able to authenticate with the Developer Beta Seed program and determine that my VM was enrolled and the update was applied without any issue. Can anyone tell me why this worked while other attempts to authenticate fail?
Jun ’22
The mysterious email : "Your Certificate Has Been Revoked"
The issue around CERTIFICATES and their RANDOM REVOCATION is one that I just can’t get my head around, as hard as I may try. I’ve read “Certificate Signing Requests Explained” and most others that one would consider relevant and I’d like to say “I get it” except…I don’t. At least not well enough to prevent what I’m encountering. I have a developer account (at the moment it needs to be renewed) and a dev team (me) that lets me do whatever in Xcode. I’ve compiled several apps for macOS, each of which runs fine, for a time. Then, after a random interval of days or sometimes weeks I get the DREADED EMAIL from Apple that reads: "Your Certificate Has Been Revoked. You have revoked your certificate, so it is no longer valid", and they don’t! Any attempt to start them generates the warning "[This App] will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash." Each needs to be recompiled with what is apparently a valid certificate courtesy of Xcode to get them to run again, which they do, until the next email from Apple shows up and they don’t. Let me stipulate that I have done nothing overtly to revoke these certificates (6 revocations since April 22) nor have I done anything but use Xcode to automatically manage the creation of new ones. So the ask: what I do I need to do to keep this from happening? PS: I have read numerous places to ignore these emails which I have done without consequence. Only now after I am using several apps that I've created has this become problem.
Jun ’22
Virtualization sample code erratum?
I have been building virtual machines and running macOS 12 & 13 on them for over a week now using the "macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp" referenced in wwdc2022-10002 session "Create macOS or Linux virtual machines", but not without some initial issues and only after considerable sleuthing. I need someone to explain what's going on. I followed the instruction given at: "" I ran "InstallationTool-Swift" and it created "VM.bundle" in my home directory as per the documentation. However... Running "macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp-Swift" the VM fails to load and the app returns :"Thread 1: Fatal error: Missing Virtual Machine Bundle at /Users/myUserName/Library/Containers/ Run InstallationTool first to create it." The app seems to have created a series of nested folders in myUserName/Library/Containers/ and is looking for "VM.bundle" there! Only after I copy "VM.bundle" to the location above will the VM load and run without issue. "Path.swift" sets vmBundlePath = NSHomeDirectory() + "/VM.bundle/" and one would think "macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp" would look for it there. Why isn't it? What am I missing? Where in the code in "vmBundlePath" is being changed if that is in fact what's happening? I want to teak the code so that when the installer creates "VM.bundle", the app runs it from there. NOTE: "vmBundlePath" cannot be set to the location where "macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp" currently wants to find it because only after that app runs does the path get created but the installer needs that path to create the bundle.
Jun ’22