




Questions abou Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background
We are reaching out to discuss an issue we have encountered with our app's activation process while running in the background. Currently, we are employing an iBeacon-based activation scheme, but we have noticed that after the app is activated, it is unable to receive UUID data from the scan-response while in the background. We are considering the possibility of embedding the UUID data into the advertisement so that the app can receive it once activated by the iBeacon. Additionally, we are preparing to use both Core Bluetooth’s “Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background” feature and the iBeacon scheme simultaneously for app activation. We would like to know if these two methods can coexist without any mutual interference. Currently, we are utilizing a method of updating the beacon advertisement after connection and disconnection to enhance the app's activation capability. However, in some scenarios where the signal is weak, the app does not detect the vehicle after being activated and will not be reactivated by the same beacon after going into sleep mode. Our current approach is to update the beacon advertisement every 10 seconds to improve this capability. We have outlined our proposed changes and would appreciate your confirmation on whether they could lead to better optimization: 1.Embedding the UUID from the scan-response into the advertisement. 2.Updating the iBeacon advertisement content every 10 seconds. 3. Simultaneously using Core Bluetooth's "Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background" feature along with the iBeacon scheme for app activation. Additionally, we would like to know if these changes could potentially cause any other issues. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your insights on this matter.
Nov ’24
iOS 15 replace rootViewController failed while applicationDidBecomeActive
I need change the rootViewController while applicationDidBecomeActive called. So I use this kind of code to do this work and it works well before.    [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController = newViewController; But after upgrade to iOS 15, this will make the keyWindow lose the rootViewController and get a blank page. After serval try, I found it could work after delay 0.1 seconds.
Sep ’21
How to avoid show the location usage prompt while app in background?
My app needs monitors the iBeacon, so it needs always access the location service. But it always show this prompt - to let user change the setting to 'while using'. It's confuse for users, and I also not call the location service at background. How to avoid show this prompt? Which API call trigger this prompt?
Feb ’21