If the order of lifecycle calls when the app is run directly on an iPhone is the one and true way, how can I force Xcode to use the same lifecycle sequence, so i can debug this issue? Thanks
You can't unless you get a job @apple to make the compiler changes.
What does this have to do with my question?
Update: Still getting this issue no matter what I try to do. I'm now wondering if it's really an issue in my app or if it's app store connect that is problematic. A quick look at system_status reveals that App Store Connect is having App Upload and App Processing Issues. I'll wait until that goes back to normal before submitting again
Other reasons why I think the issue is with App Store Connect is if I use the "Validate App" button the app successfully passes.
I generated a new archive and instead of using the organizer to upload the .ipa file, I exported it and used the transporter to successfully upload it. But it's still failing the processing phase and sending me an email about using private API's listed in it, which are not really listed at all.
Looks like I have to wait until all app store connect issues are resolved. If there is a private api being called, I'm hoping that once the App store connect issues are resolved on Apple's side, I will finally get the list of private Apple APIs that are being used by my app or some pod
Great news! I did not get the ITMS-90338 error email and my app was approved for internal testing. Can't submit it for external TestFlight review because my apps page is blank at the moment, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow
I now have the same issue as soon as I try to go to apps. It's just blank. I was able to finally upload my app via transporter and it was accepted for internal testing. All day long just trying to submit the app was either never making it in, or would be rejected when processing due to the private api usage issue
All is good again. it was an app store connect issue that was always generating a false positive for private API usage.
Our app was stuck in review from December 20th to January 5th 2023. Prior submissions were always approved within 48 hours, so we found this disturbing. Went to the Apple Developer Contact Us Page (link in post above this one), and asked for someone to contact us by phone. Within 2 minutes we got a call from Apple and explained that this version has critical updates and were told that an email had been sent to the App Review team to look into this matter. They said to allow 24-48 hours prior to getting a reply. With 5 minutes of that call ending our app was finally approved.
Hello again,
I want to clarify my previous post. Despite the export localizations error related to a pod's umbrella.h file, the pod itself builds successfully. The issue seems to be with my application's source files, which can't find this file only during export localizations, despite successful regular builds. Any insight appreciated.
Thanks again!
I've encountered a challenge in replicating the alpha resetting issue within a basic app setup. The particular screen where this issue arises is intricate, and I'm constrained by time to simplify it to the root cause.
However, a similar problem is evident with NSLayoutConstraint. In my storyboard, there's a button. Initially, it's vertically centered using the constraint buttonCenterConstraintInitiallyInstalledInStoryBoard. Additionally, there's another constraint, topConstraintInitiallyUnistalledInStoryBoard, which positions the button at the top but is uninstalled by default.
On pressing the button, I switch between these constraints, animating the button's movement from the center to the top and vice versa. This works as expected. But, if I activate the initially uninstalled constraint by pressing the button and then either toggle between light and dark modes or rotate the device, the topConstraintInitiallyUnistalledInStoryBoard reverts to its uninstalled state, reactivating the other constraint. Fortunately, this behavior is consistent on both a physical device and an iOS 16.4 simulator. I'm open to sharing the code if there's any interest.
Here's the test project.
The main storyboard:
Here's the viewContoller:
// ViewController.swift
// storyboardTest
// Created by Salvatore Cataudella on 8/16/23.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var triggerForBugButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var buttonTopConstraintInitiallyUnistalledInStoryBoard: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet weak var buttonCenterConstraintInitiallyInstalledInStoryBoard: NSLayoutConstraint!
var initialText: String? = nil
var toggle: Bool = false
@IBAction func pressMeAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
toggle = !toggle
if toggle {
sender.setTitle("I'm at the top. Press me!", for: .normal)
buttonCenterConstraintInitiallyInstalledInStoryBoard.isActive = false
buttonTopConstraintInitiallyUnistalledInStoryBoard.isActive = true
} else {
if let title = initialText {
sender.setTitle(title, for: .normal)
buttonTopConstraintInitiallyUnistalledInStoryBoard.isActive = false
buttonCenterConstraintInitiallyInstalledInStoryBoard.isActive = true
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
initialText = triggerForBugButton.title(for: .normal)
Here's the color from the color catalog. Its name is "MyButtonBackgroundColor". It's a single color, but this issue also happens when the UIColor form the catalog has Any, Dark and Light sub colors (file Contents.json):
"colors" : [
"color" : {
"color-space" : "srgb",
"components" : {
"alpha" : "1.000",
"blue" : "60",
"green" : "60",
"red" : "60"
"idiom" : "universal"
"info" : {
"author" : "xcode",
"version" : 1
Ok, so that post install hook doesn't work. I checked my project and target(s) settings and I have Defines Module set to YES for project, all targets and all pods. Unfortunately I don't know what build settings are used when exporting localizations so I can't change it. If I do a release build or a debug build of all my targets it works with no errors, so why doesn't exporting localization work as well?
The only way I have been able to get this to work is to make start removing targets until it works and then put them back. There's got to be a better way.
Does any one know how to see the build settings used when exporting localizations?