The list of certificates on the Apple Developer web console shows the expiry of my Fairplay Streaming certificate as 'Never'.
However, if I download the same certificate and import it into my KeyChain, the certificate details show the listed expiry as 11 OCT 2023.
Which of these is correct? If the expiry in the certificate is correct, how do I renew it safely.
With my App the below lines fails at the process of -streamingContentKeyRequestData-
let contentIdData = (loadingRequest.request.url?.host ?? "").data(using: .utf8),
let spcData = try? loadingRequest.streamingContentKeyRequestData(
forApp: certificate!, // This certificate is expired
contentIdentifier: contentIdData,
options: nil
else {
print("Error: Failed to generate SPC data due to expired certificate.")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "com.example.error", code: -3, userInfo: nil))
return false
I would like to find a way to know programmatically if the device that currently running my app is connected to a "hotspot" network.
I know we can know that it is connected to Wi-Fi by the use of the NWPathMonitor(), which As far as I know it only gives us the info that user is connected to Wi-Fi which could be hotspot, or it could be a public/Enterprise Wi-Fi facility.
When I attempt to join a ask Apple event , I get an issue in slack "There's been a glitch" and it won't connect me to the any channel. How do I resolve this?
I want to disable some app features in case the Device Developer Mode is enabled ? How I can do that ? This for a legal requirement