




Reply to NSItemProvider throwing exception related to secure coding
I am seeing the same problem as R4N in his second quote (when using Swift). Specifically, NSItemProvider.loadDataRepresentation(for: UTType, completionHandler: (Data?, (any Error)?) -> Void) -> Progress (when used with UTType .heic) returns the expected result with no error to the completion handler, but issues the message to the console: -[_EXSinkLoadOperator loadItemForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:expectedValueClass:options:] nil expectedValueClass allowing {( NSNumber, NSMutableDictionary, NSDate, NSString, NSError, NSDictionary, NSData, UIImage, CKShare, NSMutableString, NSMutableArray, NSUUID, NSMutableData, NSValue, NSURL, _EXItemProviderSandboxedResource, NSArray )} I don't know how to look at someone else's feedback (by the number) so don't know if there's been any progress on that.
Nov ’24
Reply to Build processing problems?
It lets me into Activity page now ... but doesn't show the upload I did hours ago. I tried deleting from the Archive, re-archive, re-upload and it told me I'd already used that build number (ok; where is it then?). I uploaded a different build then, and it was "successful" but still doesn't show up in Activity (for almost two hours now). I guess this is one way to reduce the number of apps that have to be approved by an overworked staff.
Sep ’20
Reply to Testing IAP through TestFlight or Firebase?
You are right. Very confusing. When I did this (some months ago now) I did create a Sandbox user account, but never found that it was used. My experience is that if you are running a version installed from Xcode, or (I hear) a version from TestFlight, the IAP stuff recognizes this and let's you proceed as normal, except that all of your transactions are done in a "Sandbox" mode, where it doesn't actually charge whoever makes the purchases any real $$. In other words, just use your normal Apple account and it works. The only thing that isn't "automatic" is that Receipt verification for testing purchases has to be directed to the test Apple server in your code. There are plenty of examples of "try one and if it fails, fallback to the other". Hope that helps.
Aug ’20
Reply to Dynamic Font support for UIButton
This answer is addressing allowing fonts to shrink rather than vary dynamically.I just wanted to mention (for others who find this answer in a search) that in 2020, there is another step that is necessary, which is: button.titleLabel?.lineBreakMode = .byClipping(or any of the ".byTruncating..." options; it can NOT be either of the "wrapping" options, which are the default inside a button.)You might also want to do button.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 1or some other value of your choice. The default inside a button is 0, which means as many lines as needed, which might give you less reduction that you want. Now here's an interesting tip. If you change lineBreakMode, it sets numberOfLines to 1! If you want to set numberOfLines to something else, you have to do that last.I recommend the following:extension UIButton{ func allowTextToScale(minFontScale: CGFloat = 0.5, numberOfLines: Int = 1) { self.titleLabel?.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true self.titleLabel?.minimumScaleFactor = minFontScale self.titleLabel?.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail // Caution! The above causes numberOfLines to become 1, // so this next line must be AFTER that one. self.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = numberOfLines }} Barry
Feb ’20