




Network Link Conditioner using a Network Extension
Currently, I've been able to completely block requests using a Content Filter Network extension. Right now, I'm looking to build a Network Link Conditioner that applies to an individual app only. The Network Link Conditioner allows selecting profiles with specific settings: Downlink Packages Dropped Bandwidth Delay Uplink Bandwidth Packets dropped Delay My question Is it possible to reproduce this behavior using a Network Extension and if so, which type of network extension should I use?
Jun ’24
iPhone Mirroring API
I'm super excited about the announcement of iPhone Mirroring on macOS. Will there be a way to communicate with a connected device throughout an API? E.g., will we developers get a way to write automation or interact with the connected device via code?
Jun ’24
NWPathMonitor mocking for Simulator using Network Extension
Is it possible to mock the behavior of NWPathMonitor for a specific app? The scenario I want to support I've created an app called RocketSim, a developer tool for Xcode's Simulator. I've already created Airplane mode, which disables networking calls from URLSession from a specific bundle identifier app installed on the Simulator. Now, I want to support blocking NWPathMonitor as well. I believe the Simulator uses macOS's NWPathMonitor and does not use any specific HTTP request or similar to determine the reachability state. Is there a way I can make NWPathMonitor return unsatisfied when my 'airplane mode' is turned on? Potentially using a Network Extension?
Mar ’24
Understanding PHPickerConfiguration.AssetRepresentationMode.current
The documentation for this API mentions: The system uses the current representation and avoids transcoding, if possible. What are the scenarios in which transcoding takes place? The reason for asking is that we've had a user reaching out saying they selected a video file from their Photos app, which resulted in a decrease in size from ~110MB to 35MB. We find it unlikely it's transcoding-related, but we want to gain more insights into the possible scenarios.
Aug ’23
Network Extension receives stop command right after start
Right after starting my Network Extension I see logs about it being stopped. This is unexpected, since I don't request a stop myself. See: Logs Secondly: I'm trying to build a Network Provider to stop any requests coming from a specific app. Am I correct I can do that using the NEFilterDataProvider without any filters configured? override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { log.log(level: .debug, "startFilter NEW3") completionHandler(nil) }
Mar ’23
Network Extension Development Flow
I've been following these instructions and managed to get a development flow running: However, my extension changes are only applied as follows: Change the code Remove the extension using OSSystemExtensionRequest.deactivationRequest Restart Mac If I don't do that, it seems that the old version of my extension keeps running. I confirmed this based on OSLogs that I added. In other words: how can I ensure during development my latest code gets executed?
Mar ’23
xcrun simctl io recordvideo fails when executed from Mac App
The execution of the command `xcrun simctl io recordVideo ...` works great from the terminal but fails somehow from the Mac app I'm building:DN - Local Port: 41227\nCouldn\'t create an asset writer for writing video frames: allocationErrorError starting video recorder: Error Domain=simctl.SimulatorError Code=2 \"We could not allocate necessary AV objects to perform the recording.\"I've tried setting permissions like screen recording, Developer Tools but without luck. Also, Sandbox enabled/disabled didn't make a difference.Any idea?
Apr ’20