Something new here? I have the same problem since Xcode 12.
No solution? I see local storage is resetting also on iOS 14.2 with Safari 14.0.1. Terrible bug, web app always downloads data from server.
Shame on Apple! I have 41 GB free space but I can not update latest Xcode which has just 12 GB. How much place it needs to unzip? My 4 year old MAC with 120GB disk is not usable I can trash it because I have there just MAC OS + Xcode and it says that 40 GB is not enough for Xcode update. Terrible! Also it always downloads Xcode from the start! Dear Apple, why I have to download several times 12GB when you show alert about not enough space to install (but it is already downloaded because it has only 12Gb and free space is 40 GB, why you delete it???). I have to download again and again after unsuccessful Update button click.
Click your project name in the Project Navigator. Then select your Tests target. Click the minus (-) button at the bottom to delete it. (Select everywhere in red in the image below.)
Apple did not add this option after 5 years, terrible. When you click to new release by mistake you can not trash it! In google play console no problem.
It is a little bit tricky/complicated. You have to do two production releases. Firstly add screens for origin primary language (as usually) and also for new secondary language - release must be reviewed and approved by Apple. Then you have to do second release in which you can change primary language. So process takes several days to change primary language :(
Restarting XCode worked. Apple sh!t platform.
Answer here does not work - javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically does nothing. iOS is pain. Everything what works on Android is problematic on iOS. Android WebView has no problem with We needed to open link with PDF and link is dynamically created. We had to change "button" element with onclick="" to "a" element with target=_blank and dynamic href=...
macOS Big Sur 11.6.7 20G630 released in June 9, 2022 is incompatible with iOS 15.5 released May 16, 2022. Apple platform for developer is nightmare it is worst platform all over the world. I hate this. Apple is not able to support compatibility between own softwares for more then several weeks.
The best solution to this stupid Apple situation is to install app "DevCleaner" which offers to delete many GB of Xcode (probably files and caches from simulators - I got 4-6 GB more space; builded archives I did not want to delete but app offers it too). It is really shame on Apple that I can not upgrade 12 GB app with 40 GB free disk space (maybe it time to offer external disk to store new installation files of xcode to save space). Soon I will have to throw my MacBook with 120GB disk to trash because of hungry Xcode upgrades. I just have in macbook Xcode and Chrome. I had to remove anything else bigger than 100MB due to hungry and nasty xcode. Many pre-installed bloatware apps like Music, TV, Mail, Maps, Books and many other can not be removed to free space.
One of reason (from many other possible as googled) why archive is added to "Other items" is that Xcode does not know CFBundleVersion/CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION. But it is not easy as always in Apple world. Anyway I had CFBundleVersion in Info.plist Xcode did not see/used it. See details below.
After upgrade from Xcode 13.2.x to 13.4.x my app archive started to show in organizer in section "Other items" not in "iOS apps". Also in organizer app has empty version. Build to iPhone was working, build on simulator failed due to error, that I do not have CFBundleVersion in Info.plist - but I had it there. I had fixed number (not variable) and it is root of problem. I had to change static values to variables....
File Info.plist
// OLD incorrect
// NEW correct
File project.pbxproj
And additionally I had to add variables to file project.pbxproj to Release and Debug sections because I did not have it there. So with older Xcode it was working this way and versions was taken from Info.plist. Now it seems that source of true are variables from project.pbxproj but Apple have incorrect error messages because it is fail to say in error that CFBundleVersion is missing in Info.plist when it is there. Finally Xcode automatically deleted CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString from Info.plist.
I have spent many many hours of finding out what is problem. I hate upgrading Xcode - nightmare, many hours always lost.
Dear Apple, could you please answer? It seems that automatic verification does not work at all. Just manual. It is big problem when using short lived certs such as Lets Encrypt. But also problem for long lived certs if you have many many domains. I already reported this bug via Feedback Assistant but this tool is terrible. In the past we have reported many other issues with no answers after months/years. So no hope Apple to do something with it. Apple Feedback Assistant is private so nobody sees how apple ignores developers reports. Google bug tracker is public and before adding new bug/ticket you can search if it is already reported and employees from Google response there. This apple developer forum is the worst support all over the world such as their Feedback Assistant. No answers from Apple just developer complaints. For anyone please fill in bug here Maybe it will help when many identical issues will be reported by more developers.
Im sure that this is apple bug because of they do not do what is stated here:
Renew Your Domain Verification
Domain verification expires on the same date that your domain’s SSL certificate expires. Apple servers check if SSL certificates have been renewed at 30, 15, and 7 days before expiration.
If you update the SSL certificate before it expires, Apple detects the renewed certificate and the domain remains verified. No further action is required on your part.
If the SSL certificate expires and is not replaced before expiring, you must redo domain verification in your Apple Developer Account. See Verify a Merchant Domain for additional information.
Im wondered that Apple have global bug affecting each merchant and does not solve it for more than 1 year and also does not answer at all. We and many others are receiving from Apple tons of incorrect email notifications which mention incorrect (old) certificate expiration however it was renewed.
I do not understand why Apple optionally does not provide way to users (or to developers in console) to see some error details? You can google that there are thousands topics about it over the internet. And solution easy - add some way to show more error details what is the problem. The status how it is now with just simple "payment not completed" it is just lottery. Apple developers works like ... someone on the street ask you what time is it and you answer find out! So dear users/developers guess why apple pay is not working and we do not know if it is developer error or user error - answer is the same "just error".
@meaton could you check this thread please?