




ScreenTime API app rejection 2.5.1
Hi, I use ScreenTime API for proving feature of hiding other installed apps in the iOS device. 
Specifically I set applications I want to hide to this property of ManagedSettingsStore.application.blockedApplications. Documentation to this propery says The system hides blocked applications and prevents the user from launching them. There is no any limitations or deprecation labels, api available starting iOS 15. My app is in the AppStore and works good, but I received reject for app update saying: The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app still uses Screentime API to hide apps from user. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. This sounds odd to me as feature is documented, not marked as deprecated and confirmed on forum by Apple Engineer it’s available for developers. Additionally I can’t find any public information about “unapproved uses of public APIs” that reviewer refers to. So there are literally no reason to reject my app as feature is documented and I use it as it's prescribed. The only public requirement for the developers found in Apple Review Guidelines and Apple Developer Program License Agreement is to use public API, there is no term "unapproved uses of public APIs". After long conversation with reviewer I submitted appeal but review board didn't provide any clarity and declines my appeal with exactly the same response without clarifying situation and referring to 2.5.1 that is actually not applicable. Looking forward to finding any useful information, experiences from other developers, or clarifications from Apple Engineers.
Apr ’24
CIImage.clampedToExtent() doesn't fill some edges
Hi, I'm trying to find an explanation to strange behaviour of .clampedToExtent() method: I'm doing pretty strait forward thing, clamp the image and then crop it with some insets, so as a result I expert same image as original with padding on every side with repeating last pixel of each edge (to apply CIPixellate filter then), here is the code: originalImage .clampedToExtent() .cropped(to: originalImage.extent.insetBy(dx: -50, dy: -50)) The result is strange: In the result image image has padding as specified, but only there sides have content there (left, right, bottom) and top side has transparent padding. Sometimes right side has transparency instead of content. So the question is why this happens and how to get all sides filled with last pixel data? I tested on two different devices with iOS 16 and 17.
Nov ’23
SwiftUI Button unintended animation during transition
Hello, I see unintended animation applied to my Button that makes it "jump out" of view hierarchy, please help me to understand what happens and why. I have button with style and transition applied to it. On showButton change I expect my view with button to disappear with slide animation with duration of 1 second. And this happens indeed, but the button itself animates separately from its parent view, it jumps out of parent view that is definitely not expected. struct ButtonAnimationTest: View { @State var showButton: Bool = true var body: some View { VStack { if showButton { Button("makeTransition") { showButton = false } .buttonStyle(MyButtonStyle()) .padding() .background( .transition(.slide) } } .animation(.easeIn(duration: 1), value: showButton) } } struct MyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { configuration.label .foregroundColor(.white) .background(.green) .scaleEffect(configuration.isPressed ? 0.5 : 1) .animation(.linear(duration: 0.1), value: configuration.isPressed) } } My guess this happens because button has it's own internal animation that overrides animation from parent view. So to disable it I added .transaction { $0.disablesAnimations = true } to the button, to disable all animations happens inside. And this works, it disables unneeded animation during transition, but it also disables my scale animation from ButtonStyle, that is not expected. Please help me to understand how animation management works and how disable only some animations (and why button animation during transition appears?)
May ’23
Apple Small Business Program enrollment time
Hi, I applied to Apple Small Business Program in October 2021 and still didn't get any response, I called 4 times to support by "contact us" button on the program page, but support say they have nothing to do with this because there is another team reviewing the applications and there is no way to contact with them. Probably anyone has already been in such case and know how to escalate it and reach out to the proper team?
Jan ’22