Hi there,
Could anyone please provide some clues on how to do a Unit/UI test to a game, for me, a beginner in app/game development?
I am making a little game, and basically I’ve done coding for the gameplay. My game is rather simple. Basically it just switches between different “GKState”. When entering each state, I give nodes of actors some actions, and when leaving each state, the actions are removed. The nodes are either “SKNode” or “SKSpriteNode”
and are wrapped in “GKComponent”. In some states, I give nodes “GKBehavior”.
I’ve been thinking how to test. For Unit test, I learned that it’s for the app’s logic. But my (perhaps naive) understanding is that I can prove the logic is all correct because I play the game and it runs well. I accept the point that we should test it numerically not just visually. But, for example, for the “presentScene” method of “SKView”, should I make some dummy scene and, when entering the dummy scene, should I make some dummy nodes with giving the dummy nodes some actions? Perhaps I can do these, but what’s the meaning?
For the UI test, I found all I can retrieve from a UI is the images. But for a game, since actors have different positions and speed and images every time I run the game.
So it looks for me that it’s not very possible to do UI test for a game, either via the “UI recording” or programmatically. I also think my playing is a test.
So far, for Unit test, I just measure the time of loading my resources. For UI test, I just tested a button in my game.
Thanks a lot for any clues!
Hi everyone,
Could you please help TestFlight this app? This is an app that brings you first experiences on real astronomical observations. As stars are presented according to specific locations, so I wish you who are at the various places on the globe will join. Many thanks :D
Here is the link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/KcPmy9Od
Hi everyone,
Could you please help me to TestFlight my this iOS little game?
Many thanks! :-]