First time, app run normally
but if you kill the app and run it again, app crash immediately.
If restart iphone, app can run only first time same as above.
Developed from Visual Studio Xamarin
What is this log told me ?
Hardware Model: iPhone8,4
Process: XXXXXXX.iOS [393]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9CF84154-0C87-49C4-85E9-1D495D323ED9/
Identifier: com.xx.xxxxx
Version: 1.0 (1.15)
AppStoreTools: 12E506
AppVariant: 1:iPhone8,4:14
Beta: YES
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.xx.xxxxx [397]
Date/Time: 2021-08-12 20:06:00.5105 +0700
Launch Time: 2021-08-12 20:06:00.3810 +0700
OS Version: iPhone OS 15.0 (19A5318f)
Release Type: Beta
Baseband Version: 11.00.00
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread: 0
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x181b4d314 0x181abb000 + 598804
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x199214748 0x199200000 + 83784
2 CoreFoundation 0x181c1ca64 0x181abb000 + 1448548
3 CoreFoundation 0x181ae6abc 0x181abb000 + 178876
4 CoreFoundation 0x181ae5d2c 0x181abb000 + 175404
5 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x1035088e8 0x102560000 + 16419048
6 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x1034baf10 0x102560000 + 16101136
7 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x1034badc4 0x102560000 + 16100804
8 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x1034ba7f8 0x102560000 + 16099320
9 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103495458 0x102560000 + 15946840
10 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103662de4 0x102560000 + 17837540
11 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x102594934 0x102560000 + 215348
12 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x102902010 0x102560000 + 3809296
13 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103c88118 0x102560000 + 24281368
14 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103d1ebc0 0x102560000 + 24898496
15 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103d220b0 0x102560000 + 24912048
16 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x1025641d0 0x102560000 + 16848
17 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x102565438 0x102560000 + 21560
18 UIKitCore 0x18409bdac 0x183e1c000 + 2620844
19 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103507ee8 0x102560000 + 16416488
20 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x10346dff0 0x102560000 + 15785968
21 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x10346df74 0x102560000 + 15785844
22 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x102594894 0x102560000 + 215188
23 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x102902010 0x102560000 + 3809296
24 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103c88118 0x102560000 + 24281368
25 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103d1ebc0 0x102560000 + 24898496
26 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103d23dc0 0x102560000 + 24919488
27 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103c6d5c4 0x102560000 + 24171972
28 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x103dc4180 0x102560000 + 25575808
29 XXXXXXX.iOS 0x10259434c 0x102560000 + 213836
30 dyld 0x104318190 0x104300000 + 98704
Hi, I already distributed private app for my company, but I stuck with the big problem that I cannot solve.
I distributed private app through generate redeem link to the employee and the problem is how to generate link to update app directly ?
I try all normal link but cannot link to private app.
Some link alert Not available in your country but the country of the app is all the same.
Thank you for your help.