XCode 9 Beta - ARKit and Testflight - is it possible?


I am developing an ARKit application, and I would like to use testflight to distribute the app to beta testers who have iOS11 beta. "

"iTunes Store Operation Failed

ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, macOS, and iOS SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software including beta macOS builds.""

However, XCode gives me an error when uploading that I need to use a public version of XCode. ARKit is only available through XCode 9 beta. How are we supposed to beta test our ARKit applications if we can't distribute them via testflight?

Looking for workarounds, or perhaps some advice.



Just started having this issue with Xcode 9 beta 4. Think it's an issue with iTunes Connect...

hhaving the same problem. I’m going to try to export the app it’s xcode beta and upload it using the good old upload tool in the normal Xcode. Upload tool has fewer errors in general

were you able to get this to work? I'm still getting errors when uploading an ARKit app using xcode 8.3 -

a) We were told to avoid Xcode 8.3...use 8.3.2 or 8.3.3, instead

b) ARKit is iOS 11, of which Xcode 8.x is not aware

It is weird, I did get one app that uses ARKit reviewed and approved for external Testflight testing, but now I am getting errors again :/
Downloadig the latest Xcode 9 at the moment, hopefully it will help.

It would be nice if Apple could give some clear directions on this, I can't find it anywhere.

For example:

on this page they say:


You can use TestFlight in iTunes Connect to invite users to test your app running on a beta release of iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. TestFlight makes it simple to invite testers using just their email address and lets beta testers easily provide valuable feedback within the TestFlight app. For information and best practices on testing with beta software, see Testing your app on beta OS releases.

But when you visit that link ( https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2249/_index.html ), there is no mention of Testflight! 😟

I think w/Xcode 9 b.x the ability to submit for TF has been hit/miss...some of the betas were allowed and went thru, and at least one (b5?) had issues.

Update: My current recipe or success: not sure what caused it but:

  1. get latest version of XCode beta 9*
  2. set deployment target to ios10* and do not use UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities: ARKit in plist for now.
  3. make sure to upload an icon under images.xcassets and then the last one: app store 1024pt.
  4. archive
  5. go to organizer -> export -> app store
  6. switch off bitcode and crash data* and make sure you end up with an ipa file somewhere
  7. go to XCode 8 tools > application loader and upload the ipa file you just created

* not sure if this is the problem, but this is my setup at the moment

I'm not building ARKit app, but take advantage of SiriKit integration in iOS 11 (Task Lists and Notes)

This is my setup for a successful submission.

  • Xcode 9 Beta 6 (9M214v)
  • Deployment Target
    • Main App: 10.0
    • Intent Extensions: 11.0
  • Use Asset Catalog

    Include Alternate icons in Info.plist (Info.plist alone does not work)

  • Archive (I use fastlane)
  • Go to Organizer > Export > App Store
    • Keep Bitcode and Crash Data
    • Use Automatic Provisioning
    • Check each app and extension has unique provisioning profile selected (non-wildcard)
  • Submit with Application Loader 3.7 (come with Xcode 9)

Hope this helps someone.