No Siri Remote in Italy: how to play games?

Hello, simple question: in the docs I read:

The Apple TV Remote comes in two flavors—one with Siri built in and the other with onscreen search capabilities. The Siri Remote is available in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Apple TVs in all other countries are packaged with the Apple TV Remote.

How can we play with the old remote without gyro and accelerometer? iPhone?

Accepted Reply

The same new hardware will be shipped in all countries. You should be able to play games.

In countries where Siri feature is not available, the Siri/Search button will open the onscreen search app instead.


It's the same remote, just without the Siri feature.

As I assume. There will be a lens instead of the mic icon?

Hi Robypez,

I think you're confusing the non-Siri ATV4 remote with the old ATV3 remote. All the new ATV4 remotes will have gyro and accelerometer. Siri is the only difference.


The same new hardware will be shipped in all countries. You should be able to play games.

In countries where Siri feature is not available, the Siri/Search button will open the onscreen search app instead.

Do I have to buy a new remote when Siri will be available in other countries for the Apple TV?

Or is the hardware in the remote for Siri there and it will be enabled then?

The same remote will be shipped to all countries. So you won't need to buy a new remote.