Unable to download Sign In with Apple verification file

Trying to configure a "Web Authentication Configuration" in the developer portal for app's website. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get past this step:

> To verify ownership of your domain, click Download to get the verification file, upload it at the URL listed below, and click Verify.

But as you can see in the screenshow below, there is no Download button anywhere on the form.

Anyone else running into this issue?


This part of the UI is currently broken/buggy. You can get the same file at https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/services/configure

Thanks, but unfortunately the Download button is missing on that screen as well.

I was having the same problems.

This worked for me:


Besides that, after checking the "Sign In with Apple" feature, you will have to click on the "Configure" button right next to it. When you click on this button, Apple will show a dialog where you will have to define what "Web Domain" you will be using (e.g.,

) and add a "Return URL" (e.g.,
). After providing this information, you can click on the "Save" button. Then, back on the "Register a Services ID" screen, you can click on "Continue" and, on the next screen, on "Register".

After registering your Service ID, Apple will redirect you to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" page once more. There, you will see your newly-created Service ID, and you will have to click on it to do some last configuration steps (unfortunately, these steps are not available until after registering the service).

When you click on it, Apple will show you the details of the service. There, you will have to hit the "Configure" button next to the "Sign In with Apple" feature. This time you will see that Apple shows two new buttons next to your domain: "Download" and "Verify".

Thank you for reporting this issue. A Developer Support advisor will contact you to gather more information so we can investigate further.

Did you manage to actually verify your domain?

I get an error "Verification failed for domain"

I have the same issue?

Please contact me I have the same issue.

"Domain name is invalid"

UI bugs indeed.

First bug: Don't use https:// prefix, even if a placeholder says so.

And to locate Dowload/Verify buttons:

1. Go to Identifiers -> Services IDs -> Configure.

2. Cut the domain name

3. Paste the domain name back

4. Download or verify

I have the same problem, and I am an admin. This is on an existing project, not in creating a new certificate.

Did you manage to solve the issue ?

I am experiencing the same here.

Thank you

Same issue here....writing and calling Apple Support for months, they told me I had to ask on this forum, because there is no support for the developer console.

I tried anything, the domain authentication option just doesn't apear.

I'm currently facing the same issue. Has anyone figured out a way to display those download/verify buttons?
Not getting Download / Verify buttons, how to go ahead. i am stuck, someone please help

Same here, no download and verify button. and here it says you do not need to upload any file on server. https://help.apple.com/developer-account/?lang=en#/dev1c0e25352

super confused , it just does not work at all.