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Hi forumI recently upgraded to Catalina and XCode 11 and now I'm having a weird problem uploading my app into the App Store.When using organizer, the upload just fails with an error message saying «An error occured uploading to the App Store». No further error is given.So I tried using xcrun altool to upload the ipa.There, I get the following error:Java 1.5 or Java 1.6 is required. Currently, java is the default java version. Please upgrade.xcrun uses the itms-transporter at this location: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporterAny ideas what's going wrong here?
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I have a workspace with multiple targets. Each target has its own prefix.pch file. Prefix-Header is entered in Build Settings and Precompile Prefix Header is set to YES. The app compiles and runs fine when I run it on my device. There are no errors when I just build the app. But when I try to archive it, I get a compile error saying: No such file or directory: '/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myApp-dcmvkatguqcxgjfyrqcunbsfuxcd/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/myAppTarget/PrecompiledHeaders/SharedPrecompiledHeaders/13524936819627194222/myAppTarget-Prefix.pch' And indeed, when I open this folder on my hd, I can't see the pch-file. There are, however, similar files there: myAppTarget-Prefix.pch.gch I tried everything I found on SO and elsewhere, but nothing helped. I have Cocoapods installed and use them in this project, but I don't think that error is related to that (they seem to compile fine). XCode 12.4
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I'm close to go crazy about this... I'm using nativescript for an app with an auto-renewable inAppPurchase. It is a new release, so neither the new app nor the inAppPurchase product went through the review process. I think maybe this is the problem? I thought I'd be able to sandbox-test the iap even when they haven't been reviewed, yet? I'm able to purchase the product with my sandbox-tester-account (at least, I get the purchase screen, can hit buy and when I load the receipt using NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL(NSBundle.mainBundle.appStoreReceiptURL) it seems I get a valid receipt (and I get the base64-encoded string like this: receiptData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(0); However, when I try to validate the purchase with, I always get a 21002 result, meaning there's something wrong with the payload (I'm doing it from my server with a CURL-Request). Furthermore, the SKPaymentQueue is accumulating more and more entries. And yes, I'm finishing the transaction every time. This is the console-output:New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x283308250> New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082b0> New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082d0> CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3 CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3 CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3 CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x283308250> CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082b0> CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082d0> CONSOLE LOG file: nodemodules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription The 3 seems to mean that the transation has been restored. Every time I call the history, there's one more transaction in the queue. Why??? The receipt itself looks a little weird, too (not what I'd expect form a base64-encoded string: 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<\M-b\M^@\M-&> And yes, I tried to replace + signs with %2B. Especially the last part (<\M-b\M^@\M-&>) looks weird. I tried to remove that from the string, but I still get the 21002. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
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I'm trying to create a simple dice game in RC.I created a board (with a rim) as well as some dice in blender (added rigid bodies and mesh-colliders to it), exported them as .obj-files and converted them to usdz-files using usdzconvert.Now, the first problem I have is that the dice won't «roll» correctly. I used gummi as material which makes the dice somewhat tumble and turn accross the surface, but they end up on their corners sometimes instead of their plane sides. I tried every possible collision type to no avail.Second is, that the «rim» of the board can't act as a collider. I tried to use the automatic collision detection which seemed to be like a mesh collider. But the rim (which is basically just a ring) seems to be solid. The dice end up on top of the ring instead in its boundaries.Is something like this even possible in RC or do I have to make everything programmatically?Any help is greatly appreciated!
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