iOS inAppPurchase - can't verify with iTunes using sandbox

I'm close to go crazy about this...

I'm using nativescript for an app with an auto-renewable inAppPurchase.

It is a new release, so neither the new app nor the inAppPurchase product went through the review process. I think maybe this is the problem? I thought I'd be able to sandbox-test the iap even when they haven't been reviewed, yet?

I'm able to purchase the product with my sandbox-tester-account (at least, I get the purchase screen, can hit buy and when I load the receipt using NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL(NSBundle.mainBundle.appStoreReceiptURL) it seems I get a valid receipt (and I get the base64-encoded string like this:
Code Block

However, when I try to validate the purchase with, I always get a 21002 result, meaning there's something wrong with the payload (I'm doing it from my server with a CURL-Request).

Furthermore, the SKPaymentQueue is accumulating more and more entries. And yes, I'm finishing the transaction every time.

This is the console-output:
Code Block
New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x283308250>
New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082b0>
New transaction added to queue <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082d0>
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 ## Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 ## Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:219:0 ## Update transaction: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription:Restored 3
CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x283308250>
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 ## finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription
CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082b0>
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 ## finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription
CONSOLE LOG file: app/user-module/in-app-purchase.js:62:0 history-result <SKPaymentTransaction: 0x2833082d0>
CONSOLE LOG file: node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/in-app-purchase.ios.js:247:0 ## finished transaction state: 3 - product: com.myapp.purchase.appsubscription

The 3 seems to mean that the transation has been restored.

Every time I call the history, there's one more transaction in the queue. Why???

The receipt itself looks a little weird, too (not what I'd expect form a base64-encoded string:
Code Block

And yes, I tried to replace + signs with %2B.

Especially the last part (<\M-b\M^@\M-&>) looks weird. I tried to remove that from the string, but I still get the 21002.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?