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I'm trying to add myself to a "internal testers" testflight build. When I tap the "start testing" link in the email, Testflight (the app) opens on the app page. Tapping "install" returns an alert box telling "Couln't accept the invite", "Invite for this app already accepted" (the second translated back from Italian, it's translated in the app).The app don't appears in "Testing", there is no (apparent) way to start the test. The same appens on other devices of mine. I already tried to remove me from the internal testers list and readd me later with no results.Any ideas/hints/suggestions?Thank you!
by gtufano.
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I have a Catalyst application that uses (as expected) MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to set the now playing info and MPRemoteCommandCenter to get the media events for play/pause/stop/favorite/etc. The code is shared on iOS, tvOS and watchOS and it works correctly there. It seems not to work on macOS (app is compiled as a Catalyst application) on Big Sur (and Monterey, fwiw). Media keys on the keyboard starts the Music app, the music part of the control center do not show now playing info (nor the media controls there send messages to the app). I seem to remember that it used to work in Catalina (at least the media key part) and for sure it used to work in a precedent version of the same app that used to be an UIKit one. Is this a bug (worth a feedback to Apple) or something wrong on my side? I forgot some magic capability for macOS? App is sandboxed and uses hardened runtime, in case this is significant. Thank you for any hint!
by gtufano.
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Subject says basically all. I have a CarPlay audio app whose network accesses (started answering playableContentManager(_:,initiatePlaybackOfContentItemAt:, completionHandler:)) fails when the application is started from the CarPlay screen with the phone locked.All calls are https; no data protection active; the app works correctly when cached content is played (ie: it's the network access that fails); the app works correctly if the phone is unlocked.I'd say this started around iOS12 (I'm not sure, though)... it was working when I started implementing CarPlay (~iOS10).I cannot find any documentation for the behaviour. Is this expected (and there is some workaround) or should I file a bug against CarPlay?Thank you in advance!
by gtufano.
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I have multiple users of an app complaining that they are not able to download (on older device) the latest version of an app compatible with the device. This used to be automatic then, some years ago, it changed to work only if the user tries to download the app from the "purchased" section of the App Store app. Now it seems to be gone. Is that actually true or I have a set of specially dumb users? 🙂 Do anyone (or Apple) have any final word on the current availability of this feature? (the ability to download the latest version compatible with the device) Thank you in advance!
by gtufano.
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This is on Xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014) on OS X 10.11.5 (15F34), target is an iOS application, built for iOS 9.I have an audio application in which I cannot manage to show the cover art in Now Playing lock screen.I can show a static image and other information but I'm not able to show the "real" album cover. Code below works correctly (a 512x512 image is displayed: NSMutableDictionary __block *mpInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[[MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter] nowPlayingInfo]]; mpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtist] = currentSong.artist; mpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyTitle] = currentSong.title; if([[RP4RadioManager sharedManager] isPlaying]) { mpInfo[MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate] = @(1.0); } else { mpInfo[MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate] = @(0.0); } mpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration] = @([currentSong.duration doubleValue] / 1000.0); mpInfo[MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime] = @(0); mpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = [[MPMediaItemArtwork alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"BigLogo"]]; [[MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter] setNowPlayingInfo:mpInfo];some rows below I recover the cover art from the network and I try to show it: coverImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCIImage:currentSong.coverImage]; MPMediaItemArtwork *imageArtwork = [[MPMediaItemArtwork alloc] initWithImage:coverImage]; mpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = imageArtwork; DLog(@"Setting cover info. Image: %@, imageArtwork: %@ (%@). mpInfo: %@", coverImage, imageArtwork, NSStringFromCGRect(imageArtwork.bounds), mpInfo); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter] setNowPlayingInfo:mpInfo]; });The image is valid (usually 500x500px, but this don't seems significant). The image is originally a .jpg, saved in a CIImage (for OS X comaptibility in common code) and then loaded in a UIImage (the same image shows correctly in a UIImageView).Changing the linempInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = imageArtwork;withmpInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = [[MPMediaItemArtwork alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"no_cover"]];shows a different static image, so the problem is in the original image but I really cannot understand what the problem is... the log line shows an image and a valid MPMeidaItemArtworkSetting cover info. Image: <UIImage: 0x14eaeed0>, {500, 500}, imageArtwork: <MPMediaItemArtwork: 0x14eaef00> ({{0, 0}, {500, 500}}). mpInfo: { MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime = 0; MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate = 1; albumTitle = "Radio Paradise"; artist = "Other Lives"; artwork = "<MPMediaItemArtwork: 0x14eaef00>"; playbackDuration = "242.8"; title = "Tamer Animals"; }I suspect it's something really stupid but I don't really know how to debug that.Any help/hint will be appreciated.
by gtufano.
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I have an application that works on both iOS and OS X (as normal UIKit and AppKit applications). Now, I rewrote the app to accomodate a very significant backend change and now I'd like to avoid rewrite the UI on AppKit but just use the iPad app with Catalyst.The problem is: the generated bundle-id for Catalyst app is on the form, can I change it to the existing Mac bundle ID so I can market it as an update to the previous app, that's what actually is?Also, the iOS app uses CarPlay (audio) so I must use custom certificates (they cannot be managed by Xcode with CarPlay entitlements), can I manually generate the mac certificates for the catalyst app? I tried with Xcode beta 3 (or 4) and I didn't manage to do anything.It's what I want to do even possible?Thanks in advance for any information!
by gtufano.
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I have an app, currently on the store as a _normal_ AppKit Macintosh build. I made a Catalyst port of the iOS app after a significant rewrite (it was easier, and it's an audio player app so not critical on UI). The app already required manual signing in the iOS part because CarPlay, so I just followed the help instructions in xcode to change the Catalyst app application id so to have the same ID as the existing app store app.All worked, certificates has been created, a notarized version works correcty.I'm not able to sign the application for Mac App Store Distribution.I made an archive for macOS app, select distribute, but the profiles for the Catalyst app are not available. I just see the distribution profiles for the "old" AppKit application, marked as "not eligible" (selecting them in Xcode signing section I see errors on the lines of "Provisioning profile "XXXXX" doesn't support the App Groups and Siri capability.", and there is no Siri capability for "normal" mac apps.I'm stuck. The Distribution section of Xcode Organizer do not recognize profiles made for the Catalyst app (probably because the "original" bundle identifier for the iOS app is different) and the profiles made for the AppKit bundle ID don't support capabilities that the iOS app has.I think this is an Xcode bug, but I'm unsure of everything and I could be failing on something basic. I could just distribute the app myself (notarization works) but I'd like to substitute the current app in the store (and would like to not add updating tools to the app).Any help/hint would be appreciated, thank you!
by gtufano.
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4 Replies
I'm trying to add support for INPlayMediaIntent in an audio app.In a first instance, I would just like to say "Play in My App Name" and have the intent extension called.I foolwed religiously the documentation, I checked that everything (entitlements, various plist, etc) is in the Controlling Audio With SiriKit is also in my extension (and app).The problem I have is that I'm not able to invoke my extension. Uttering "Play <app name>" open TuneIn (that interesting enough, I don't have installed) with the radio with the same name of the app (its the same radio). "Play using <app name>" have the same result (or some interesting song with related names in the Music app).I tried in simulator, iPhone, iPad, in my native language (Italian) and in English. I _think_ I wrote all the needed enchantments, Siri authorization is requested, INPlayMediaIntent is in the list of supported intents (it's the only one, really), media category is "Music", I tried also "Radio", but nothing changed.For what I understand (from debugger and logs) handle(intent: INPlayMediaIntent, completion: (INPlayMediaIntentResponse) -> Void) is never called (nor is func handler(for intent: INIntent) -> Any)I think there is something basic I don't understand. Any suggestion is very welcome. Thank you!
by gtufano.
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