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My app is a photography editor for rendering bokeh effect. Recently, some users reported a bug to me that my app can’t work correctly on iOS 14.5 beta 2, and there’s a huge blank space not be rendered. This app is based on core image filter and takes 5 seconds to render the bokeh with full resolution. With iOS 14.5 beta 2 and beta 3, it stops rendering and shows a log as below. My app is popular by millions of people in the past 4 years and it never got an error like this. I tried my best to fix it but I failed since it's a system error. It looks the CIContext & CIFilter reject to run shaders with huge calculation for every pixel. I think the system shouldn't reject the rendering request since huge calculation can provide better result than the fast algorithm. Please help me correct this issue in the upcoming beta version. Thank you. Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Internal Error (IOAF code 14) [render] Error excuting command buffer = Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=1 "Internal Error (IOAF code 14)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Internal Error (IOAF code 14)} (
by evolrof.
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Hi, I found an issue and the camera preview freezes after connecting the AirPods Pro and connecting the audio device in iOS 14 (beta 4). It always gets the "sessionRuntimeError" after you see the first frame. You can repeat it easily without changing any code by using the official demo "AVCamBuildingACameraApp" or "AVMultiCamPiPCapturingFromMultipleCameras". Don't forget to connect your AirPods Pro in testing those demo apps. Please fix it. Thank you.
by evolrof.
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Hi,I'm developing an app to process the bokeh blur. I knew there're many ways to get the round bokeh with fast algorithm. But I still want to use the standard way to process the image, then I can get any shape of bokeh. The major processing code is below,for (i = 0; i < radius; i ++) for (j = 0; j < radius; j ++) get weight get pixel colorWith up for-next, this filter will take much time in gettting color pixel by pixel. If the radius is 100, then it will run 10,000 times for every pixel. Before getting touch the iOS, I use the standard C language to process those codes. I can cache the image buffer to the L2 or L3 cache in feature phone, so it loads the picture and pixels fastly as I want.Is there any way to process the filter as I want? Or is there any way to get repeated pixels fastly? Thank you.
by evolrof.
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Hi,I'm working on the AVCaptureOutput with AVDepthData which could save the image as portrait format. But I can't save the final result correctly while it attachs the AVDepthData. I downloaded an official demo from Apple's web site, AVCamFilterApplyingFiltersToACaptureStream. But this demo app still doesn't save images well while I turn the depth option on. All my codes run on iOS beta 8 with Xcode 11 beta 6.Please correct the issue, at least let it run well on the official demo with AVDepthData.Thank you.Patrick
by evolrof.
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Hi, I'm Patrick. I received some users to report an issue which can't save the image in iOS13 beta. I debugged my codes and can't find any resolution. My app is made for taking portrait pictures with depth data by using the dual camera iPhone. I also tested the official sample app - AVCamPhotoFilter which you can get from the "". If I add the AVDepthData while using the interface of CGImageDestinationCreateWithData, the CGImageDestinationFinalize can't get the correct returned value, but the warning happens in the console with " (JFIF container format does not support rotation; place rotation into Exif payload) at /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/". I also test the compression for JPEG and HEIC and get the same result, and they can't be converted if I attached the AVDepthData. It's the official demo and I only added 3 lines code for testing.Here is the code,private class func jpegData(withPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer, attachments: CFDictionary?, depthData : AVDethData?) -> Data? { if depthData != nil { var auxDataType: NSString? let auxData = depthData?.dictionaryRepresentation(forAuxiliaryDataType:&auxDataType) CGImageDestinationAddAuxiliaryDataInfo(cgImageDestination, auxDataType!, auxData! as CFDictionary) }Please fix it within next update. Thank you.
by evolrof.
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