Core Image API error on iOS 14.5 beta

My app is a photography editor for rendering bokeh effect. Recently, some users reported a bug to me that my app can’t work correctly on iOS 14.5 beta 2, and there’s a huge blank space not be rendered. This app is based on core image filter and takes 5 seconds to render the bokeh with full resolution. With iOS 14.5 beta 2 and beta 3, it stops rendering and shows a log as below. My app is popular by millions of people in the past 4 years and it never got an error like this. I tried my best to fix it but I failed since it's a system error. It looks the CIContext & CIFilter reject to run shaders with huge calculation for every pixel. I think the system shouldn't reject the rendering request since huge calculation can provide better result than the fast algorithm. Please help me correct this issue in the upcoming beta version. Thank you.

Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Internal Error (IOAF code 14)
[render] Error excuting command buffer = Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=1 "Internal Error (IOAF code 14)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Internal Error (IOAF code 14)} (