iTunes Connect Test User invite not working

In users and roles section of itunes connect. I have sent invites to few internal testers by clicking add button in iTunes Connect users section. The invite email goes into their email account but clicking on activate your account opens up a blank page or sometimes 404 error. Resending invitation also does not help. Is this an apple issue or I am doing anything wrong. Please help.


It leads to Not Found page for rest of us. Can you please ellaborate what else you did in addition to steps provided by apboyle ?.

Thanks mate,

your solution worked for us

I can't believe this still isn't working. It's been 5 days now... *** is Apple doing?

Thanks for the tip... too bad it didn't work for me. Even if it did, it's not really a great solution as your instructions probably wouldn't make sense to most testers.

Apple please fix your piece of crap website.


I was having the same issue. Your solution worked for me.

Thanks a lot 🙂

Amazing service from Apple.... They force us to buy their overpriced products, and they don't even work...

99€ for a fake service, great ! My clients are really happy now, who will pay the price ?

**** you Apple! Fix this ******* problem! ⚠

Same here. Not Found. And this issue is still not fixed.

The same problem here!

Apple FIX This, or at least react in some way!!!!!

I am not sure if what you describe as a workaround is even allowed.

You're the man!

I find it baffling that a company as big as Apple cant handle a simple auth system, not even respond. Why do we pay 99U$ for a service that doesn't even exist?

Thank you good man, saved my life (and job)!

I'm also having this issue today, as well as other issues with TestFlight.... WASTE. OF. MY. TIME.

Also having this problem. Have a new QA guy in the office, he started yesterday. We can't get him added to our list of testers.

Same here...

There's un update... Now the verification link in the email is "HTTP 1.1 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE"...

thanks!! works for me!

I appreciate your help .. 🙂

Still having this issue.

I'm also having this issue.

Thanks apboyle, this worked for me.

But please Apple, fix this.

Same issue still 6 days later. Any status update?

Can somebody at Apple finally take a look at this.

I'm unable to submit any updates for almost six days now because the ability to submit Apps was removed from de fu***** ADMIN account with Xcode 7.

I filled an Radar 5 days ago and contacted iTC Support two days ago. No response what so ever.

Is this some kind of joke?

Thank You! Srsly, Thanks 🙂

iTunes Connect Test User invite not working