New Build Not Showing up in Testflight App

I have released a new build on Testflight and have received the email to start testing.

However, when I open the testflight app on the phone, the new version is not listed.

So I tried uploading another build with a new version number, yet the outcome was the same.

I have tried this same procedure with another tester and they are seeing the same thing on their phone. They get the email to start testing, but the new version is not listed in the testflight app.

What could be the reason for this?

I am using xCode 9.4

Same issue here. I got an invitation email with a "View in TestFlight" link -- that works (it launches TestFlight and there's a button to download the app). But, if I go to the TestFlight app itself (or kill TestFlight and relaunch), the app is not shown there.

Well, maybe App Store Connect was having trouble. After loading via the "View in TestFlight" button, a while later the app appeared in TestFlight. In the meantime, I saw some errors: "Couldn't Load Apps. TestFight coudn't connect to App Store Connect. Try again later." Why do I seem to see such flaky-ness?

I also seeing the same issue.

I've built a new build and it won't show in the tester's testflight app.

(The itunes connect dashboard shows that everything is ok and the build is "in testing").

I also facing the same issue,

Getting an email invitation, after redeeming the code latest build is not showing.

Even i am also facing the issue.

I'm facing the same issue with the Testflight.

Is there any update from Apple guys?

I am also experiencing this issue. My build has processed, but TestFlight still shows the previous build.

Same problem. Do not show my new build, show the old (deleted!) build...

Same issue

Same problem here. Not showing the latest build.

Until Feb 12, 2020, same issue here, any updated?

same here as well.

Same problem here. Not showing the latest build in TestFlight, but visible on App Store Connect with status Testing

Same problem. Tried lots of possible workarounds but nothing works

Same problem. Tried lots of things. TestFlight says app is in test, but none of my "App Store Connect Users" get the build in TestFlight on iOS...

I managed to fix this by adding an entry to info.plist and resubmitting. I added "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption"

I bumped the build number, Added the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption", and uploaded it again. It immediately pushed out! Weird.

I have the same Issue, I uploaded from XCode Version 11.3.1 the build properly without any observation and on AppStore Connect shows ready for sale, but when I tried to install from Testflight it show earlier versions

I already have 3 build uploaded since monday but it still not appearing on my testflight

I could fix the problem by adding this key "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" in Info.plist

For those who don't know how to modify this file, go to:

Thanks to:



I have also fixed this issue with new release and setting "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" set to false. Since we are using Expo we have added in app.json "usesNonExemptEncryption" with value false.

"ios": {

"bundleIdentifier": "*****t",

"supportsTablet": true,

"config": {

"usesNonExemptEncryption": false


When this started happening to me in December 2019, I eventually found the latest build in 'Previous Builds'. The testers did not receive emails advising of the updates. So it took a while before I realised that the app was not working 'correctly' because they did not have the latest build installed.

Previously TestFlight worked well.

I tried to contact Apple Support but after initially talking about TestFlight in the browser rather than the app and stating incorrect facts about which versions were available for testing, they then asked 20 questions so I gave up.

I discovered that if a user is listed as an App Store Connect user, they will be able to update their app in Testflight after the uploaded version has processed; if a user is only listed as a beta tester, they will only be able to see the uploaded version when the new version has been approved.

If happens, just bump up your version. That works to me.
Hey guys, I have the same issue now. Is this known by apple?
Same here. Issue in Apple's end? We had no issues with this yesterday.
New Build Not Showing up in Testflight App