Catalina beta 5 causing late 2015 iMac to freeze when left unattended

Since this only happens when I return to my comptuer, I assume there is some kind of bug with power-saving features? In any even my screen will be frozen, keyboard and mouse unreponsive, and the magic trackpad isn't even doing its fake click anymore. Reading the console messages is, as usual, unhelpful.

Similar issue. 2017 iMac. Mine crashes, not freezes, when left alone. But the time frame appears random. Initially it was during or after the screen saver kicked in. I had it set for 15 minutes of inactivity. Followed by a monitor turn off. Aside from that I have no power savings activated. I tried modification on the screen saver start allowance with no change. From the lowest to the highest. Random crashing during the screen saver. So; disabled screen saver. Left the monitor shutoff enabled. Regardless of monitor shutoff time the system will crash and reboot at random duration. From 3 minutes to over an hour. I can time it because I have a single LTO drive that makes a bunch of noise when the OS polls it on startup. So I agree it’s probably a power setting issue, or, a display issue.

Same issue, early 2015 macbook pro. Plugged in, unplugged doesn't matter it still freezes. I have tried watching Prime Video and Netflix, if I pause and am inactive for more than 5-10 minutes, everything freezes. If I just close the lid while charging, freezes.

its the new photo library. it is syncing in the background and freezes. I put my photos file in the trash bin ( DONT DELETE IT) and have left it there for the last 2 weeks with no issues., no crazy fans or anything.

move your photos file to the trash bin, jsut maje sure you dont delete it. ive gone 2 weeks with no crashes. hopefully that helps

mid 2015 pro here as well , i put the photos file in the trash bin, that seems to be what stops it from updating . 2 weeks without any crashes, and it sleeps, wakes , with raise of the lid. no high fans etc.. just make sure you dont delete it!

hopefully that helps

I can confirm that moving the photo library to the bin solved this problem for me (MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015)).

Thanks for the hint.

That works, thank you.

Thanks for the update. I was also having the same problem. Beta 5 has been awful.

Yes, this also worked for my 2015 iMac. I turned off iCloud syncing for photos and just deleted the photo library--I personally don't mind doing this because my Photo library is also locally saved on a non-Catalina server Mac, which in turn is backed up to Backblaze, but I agree that if your photo library in Catalina is the only local copy you have you should absolutely not delete it.

Same problem here on my 2015 iMac.

Installed Amphetamine, switch it to the "always on" and the iMac stopped freezing...

Partial solution until next beta. Hope it helps...

Happens on MBPr 13 inch, Early 2015. It occurs when connected to power and when running on battery.

Logging in after restart takes really long time, sometimes up to 3 mins.

Same error here on MacBook Air late 2015, time varies starting screensaver until problem accours... maybe depends on which screensaver you choose. unfortuantely couldn't monitor activity monitor as other posts suggested, because usally problem happens after screensave and machine left unattended or idle.

Anyway, more details are submitted to Apple as Feedbacks, FB6836476, FB6859281, FB6932400, and FB6960161.


I noticed that this issure only happens when the computer is plugged in to a power source. I have no issues if I unplug the charger from my MacBook Pro, it happens as soon as I plug it in.

This didn’t work for me unfortunately.


I have a MacBook Pro Early 2015 in Catalina Developer Beta 5.

And I have another MacBook Air Mid 2012 in Catalina Public Beta 4 without this problem.

I don't know why.

Latest Beta seems to have solved the problem

Yes, same here... :-)

Same here. 40 minutes and no freeze.

It has been disappeared on a MacBook Pro Early 2015 in Catalina Developer Beta 6.

Same here - issue resolved with beta 6

I have just updated to MacOS Catalina 10.15 official release on my Macbook pro 13" 2018 and have exact the same issue.

Amazing how this has been going on for months without end. Just installed the supplimental update and it's STILL crashing the moment the screensaver kicks in.

What kind of rubbish humor is this, Apple?

I too am having this issue with my mid-2014 Macbook Pro. Screen goes to sleep, computer never wakes up. Doesn't matter if it's connected to power or not. Frustrating to say the least.

For those still experiencing this issue, I'm happy to report that I was able to get to the bottom of the issue with Apple Support via chat tonight.

Go to folder /library/extensions and if there is a file in that folder "Trigger5Core.kext", move it to the trash and empty the trash.

Restart, and you should be good to go! Hopefully your luck is as good as mine!

Catalina beta 5 causing late 2015 iMac to freeze when left unattended