Mojave Compatibility (dropbox, adobe etc)

I think the community would appreciate any first blush reports on compatibility with existing tools/apps. I'm always hesitant to install until I hear that dropbox is working.

Installing on my backup laptop (mid 2013 Air). Will test apps on there and update

+1, i really want to install Mojave, but i have important work to do on AutoCAD and i don't know if i'll have any compatibility issues.


Evernote crashes on my Mac. Nothing else to report yet

Please pardon my curiosity, but why oh why would you give the slightest thought to needing Dropbox on day 1 of a brand new beta OS.

That's called "looking for trouble."

Have you ever seen how bad things can get if a driver is borked?

The first "beta" release of an OS shouldn't be used for anything important.

Adri1 is questioning whether he'll have compatibility issues with AutoCAD...I don't mean to be a jerk but some people are born with that talent so I can't help myself; a first beta should NOT be used for any kind of production work. Security is not a consideration; you could be leaking passwords all over. There's all kinds of debugging code in place, so don't expect great performance or battery life. Disk and/or memory corruption is almost guaranteed at some point and, well, I hope you aren't doing financial transactions on beta software.

Please use hardware that, if you're forced to **** and pave, you're okay with it.

Little Snitch is not compatible.

It will run, and pretty much go to 99% CPU and will kill your network speed.

Open a Terminal window:

sudo rm -R /Library/LaunchAgents/at.obdev.LittleSnitchHelper.plist

sudo rm -R /Library/LaunchAgents/at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist

sudo rm -R /Library/LaunchDaemons/at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist

sudo rm -R /Applications/Little\ Snitch\

sudo rm -R /Library/Little\ Snitch/

sudo killall "Little Snitch Agent"

sudo killall "Little Snitch Daemon"

Discord works 😝 That’s the only thing I had time to test this morning.

EDIT: Time Machine still cannot backup on an external APFS partition. This is a huge disappointment to me. 😟

Skype For Business randomly crashes ( release notes mentioned random crashes for Skype but this should be expanded for Skype For Business also )

Snagit and Snagit 2018 both crash on launch.

Pixelmator works.

PyCharm also.

Coda works also.

Expanding Discord comment to note that the current stable release of Discord may have some issues. I had the whole app freeze up on me and go into spindump city when it was waiting for me to grant it camera and microphone permission, and then I had it lock up about an hour later in the middle of the call.

The spindump city was so bad, it rendered most apps unresponsive to input for over 30 seconds at a time. I had to keep killing spindump to have moments of responsive system.

Same Experience Here. Evernote crashes on loading. Have tried UnInstalling / reinstalling per Evernote Tech Support with no resoltion. Any thoughts fixes would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Pay attention everyone. This is excellent advice. If you're in the developer forum you should know better!

Seems that Vagrant is broken (at least for the VM I tried to run)

Espresso (HTML editor) opens but crashes as soon as any action is attempted (selecting a tab for instance).

Total Finder crashes on opening.

Books displays two copies of every cover when 'All Books' tab is selected (List, Collections, Authors, Categories all OK)

I have not been able to get VirtualBox working. Tried on initial upgrade and after clearing everything out / resinstalling.

Remotix 5.0.5 from Nulana does not work and crashes soon after starting. Developwer is aware and preparing an update. So far, other Apps seem OK.

The difinitive answer for Dropbox is it works PARTIALLY in OS X 10.14 Beta (18A293u)

Im running Dropbox v52.3.55.

So, If you have Dropbox already configured and running in 10.13. x and you upgrade your computer to 10.14 Beta (like I did) Dropbox will continue to function, including syncing. You can click on the menubar Drobox icon and everything you can do in that pulldown menu, works.

The only exception, is the Dropbox Settings cog on the right hand side. If you click on that, it will launch the actual Drobox Application which will open, however if you click on anything in that application, it crashes.

Double clicking on the Dropbox app to launch it, works, incluing installing th Menubar item (if it wasnt there) HOWEVER, if you click on anything within the Dropbox Application, it will crash (but not the menubar item - It continues to work)

Hope this helps

Further note on Discord.

Even Canary has issues maintaining video calls for longer than 20-60 minutes, before the app will crash and report an error.

It looks like I'll have to do Discord's job for them and report the bugs on the bug tracker, since they're not concerned with anything that isn't already a known major crash issue. They already have a crash issue on their hands with Canary that affects everything back as far as Sierra, and now there's a new issue that's only cosmetic, and therefore unimportant until Mojave is released final, when it'll be too late to report OS issues as OS issues.

The other issue that Canary experiences, is that the icon is invisible when there's a badge. It's just an empty space with a number badge applied to it, showing that they use something unusual to composite their icon and badge together. Possibly an image resizing algorithm that's been removed, or is buggy?

This level of instability with video calling apps renders Mojave unusable for me as a daily use test platform. So glad I stuffed it on an alternate APFS volume.

Little Snitch nightly build 4.1 works with Mohave (

Audio Hijack 3 does not work when capturing System Audio. It does work when capturing from an individual running application. 's Box Drive does not work on the 10.14 beta. Crashes. Hopefully, they have a team on it 😉

Because that's a good reason to try a beta, to be able to try and report what isn't working.

Virtualbox will not install or allow you to start VMs because Apple is now blocking their kernel extensions for some reason.

Vagrant isn't the problem. Virtualbox won't work in Mojave.

Dropbox 52.3.56 works flawlessly for me, Adobe CS works with all applications (only the 32bit extentions warning remains, but HighSierra already warned about 32bit apps)

Evernote indeed crashes and cannot be used. VirtualBox doesn't work that well but Parrallels works flawless.

Mostly all kernel drivers apps (like audio grabbers etc) fail as they always do in the first few beta's.

A lot off apps fight with the new dark mode, but that is to be expected.

Big database apps like Navicat work, but are unusable slow and Safari has a few bugs, nothing to extreme.

The first beta is completely in line with my expectations and it mostly works, but as said before INSTALL ONLY ON TESTING MACHINES

I have a test configuration system.

Dropbox is working fine.

Mojave Compatibility (dropbox, adobe etc)