System Storage Full

My iPhone 7+ is reporting full storage - when I explore further and look in manager storage - the very bottom item called "System", is consuming all available storage, right now it is 13.54GB. In this state Mail will not sync, apps will not update and new apps cannot be installed.

It has done this numerous times, and seems to come and go (since the first beta release).

Anyone else experiencing this?


Does it show the same when connected to iTunes?

I'm experiencing basically the same situation right now. I have a 6S+ running iOS 11 beta 3. This morning I started getting those annoying "your iPhone is almost out of storage" warnings, which made no sense because I know that I use less than half the storage.

Sure enough I checked the storage usage, and after several minutes the storage settings finally loaded and told me that the System category was using 42 GB of my storage! At this point I couldn't even open the damned camera.

The only thing I can think of is that the downloaded iOS 11 betas are not cleaning up after themselves. They're probably storing tons of temp files and as far as I know I have no way to delete them directly.

Anybody have some advice here?

I did a complete backpup, erase, restore, reinstall missing apps and was able to reclaim 30GB of the 50GB of "Other". We'll see how long until it fills up again.

I had to use the Configurator tool and the ipsw files from the downloads page. I couldn't get iTunes and OTA to work for this process.

Having the same issue here, iPhone 7+ was reporting 85GB system, so deleted 20+ gigs and now system is using 111GB. Tried syncing with iTunes, hard restart and phone clean app with no luck. As soon as you clear out space, system will grab whatever is available immediately. Hope this gets cleaned up.

Hit this as well today. iPad Pro with the System usage sitting at around 215GB.

No idea what's caused it, can't see anything obvious. An iPhone 7 I have on the same iCloud account and also on the iOS 11 betas is normal so it doesn't appear to be anything synced.

Logging gone mad perhaps?

This feels like the same APFS bug that macOS beta 1-3 had where APFS couldn’t clean up free space after trashing files.

Just went ahead and erased my iPhone to start fresh since the phone was full and no matter what I cleared out the system would grab the new free space. Other little issues fixed in the process. Like wifi calling always present now, hotspot working correctly, and app switcher is much better.

I'm hitting this issue now as well.

I filed a radar 33722518. This issue seems to only have become present on iOS 11 beta 4 for me.

I've got an iPhone 7 Plus 128GB. System is reportedly taking up ~51GB.

Deleting stuff does seem to help but after an hour or two it's back to full.

Clearing Safari cookies and data did reduce it by about 2GB but that's since filled back up.

Apple Support recommended erasing and restoring the phone from a backup in cases like this.

There isn't enough room for a sysdiagnose to complete either.

Does anyone know if Apple are requesting the installation of a specific profile for them to debug this issue further? They are yet to reply to my radar.

I just run into this problem with iOS 11.0.1. Despite that iTunes shows that I have 25GB free space, iPhone does not agree and is completely unusable, can't even open

I have the same problem with a new iPhone SE 32 GO. running 11.0.1. 32Go are used out of 32. CAnnot take any photo (but screenshos are allowed). Some apps can start, some other not. I keep deleting app, but space is consumed within a few hours/minutes.

In brief : phone is unusable.

Same issue: iPhone 8, iOS 11.0.1. "System" under ïPhone Storage" keeps increasing -- now it's 6.6Gbytes.

It was around 8Gbytes two days ago. Erased and restored iPhone, increasing again: 6.6Gbytes.

Any update? Or fix? I had 6.6 gb full on the “System” folder, deleted 2 gigs of music and the freeking System folder increased to 8.6 gb! What the heck!

Be sure to file bugs against the beta, adding your report # to your comment, thanks.

Same here... 😟

Can't use my iPhone anymore...

Same Problem!! 95% of the space has occupied by system!! **** ****!! Why Apple is not care about this stupid problem??? We cannot backup-reset-restore every week!!

I have not had this problem but it sounds like the system is taking way to much storage. You should try to restore your iPhone. You will lose all of your data on your iPhone but restoring your phone will fix the problem.

I had this problem. Tried deleting photos, attachments, apps, podcasts, etc. Basically the system Would fill up any avail memory. I have an older iPad with 32GB and it would fill to 31.8GB and the notify that memory was full.

heres what I did:

1 full backup.

2 Erase all content and settings

3.restore - did not enable Apple data collection.

memory went down to 15.2 GB with major reductions in photos and system.

clearly a bug in iOS version. 11.1.

I‘ll letcha know what happens.

With the iPad storage screen open, and with all other apps turned off, I could visually watch the system storage number grow at roughly 100MB per 15 seconds until it reached a device total usage of 60.9GB (of 64GB) when it finally stopped growing (I have a video of it). This is on an iPad Air 2 iOS 11.1.2 updated yesterday.

Good day, I have the same problem on my new iPhone X two weeks old which is running on iOS 11.2 not the beta ... but my iPad Pro that runs on beta does not have this issue

I’ve had the same issue for months now. My “System” storage is taking up nearly 59 of the 64 GBs available on my phone. I’m going to try erase all and start fresh and see what happens, but all of your responses aren’t giving much hope. Apple - what’s the deal, yo?!?

>I’ve had the same issue for months now.

Betas are like that. Can you list the bug report #'s you've filed over that time, thanks.

Same here with iphone se. Sons phone and only had it a month as a replacement for a faulty phone less than 12 months old. Deleting any app's etc it just filled up with "other" until it won't work, tried a hard reset and it is now stuck on connect to iTunes and restore, been connected to iTunes for an hour and been stuck in extracting software at the same point. Will definitely not be buying another iphone, worst phone I ever owned. Will stick with Samsung in future, never had these issues.

Im still wondering how to lower my data since i had a long call after getting carried away and it went from 11GB to like 14GB and it was only half an hour

IT WORKED!!! Hopefully my phone stays this efficient for a while.

Following these steps freed up a little over 14GB of storage for me.

System Storage Full