Unable to configure Mail Account to Exchange

I origionally had Exchange working, but then messages stopped arriving. So I delete Exchange and attempted to create a new Exchange connection (which worked prior). But, I could not get past the configuration page.

Anyone else experiencing this?


Yes. I am having the same problem. My old exchange account would not work so I removed so I could add it back in. Now when I try to add it in I get "Unable to verify account name or password."

Same issue for me as well. Exchange is not working for me whatsoever and I've set this account up 1000 times before.

Yes I have the same problem.

Am not receiving any Exchange emails since installing beta of El Capitan.

Messages composed and "sent" sit in an outgoing mail folder - but the recipients say they receive them.

Mail for my Exchange account is received with no problem on all IOS devices (phone, iPad mini, iPad).

Thanks for the heads up on the delete and reinstall the Exchange account issues. I was just about to do this but won't now and will use webmail until Apple fixes the problem.

I configured mine as IMAP and it works.

Exchange email works OK, and on two computers the exchange calendar shows, but on one it only shows until I open Mail, then it disappears forever. The files are there in ~/Library/Calendars but it doesn't show in Calendar app.

Filing a radar.

Beta 1!

I deleted my Exchange account and successfully reinstalled it. The only issue now is that it only loads the emails since installing El Capitan - the olded ones don't load (but are on the server because I can access them with webmail).

You can reduild the mailbox and they will show up, but for some reason doing anything with Exchange in mail causes the calendar to disappear.

Yes - I rebuilt the mailbox and all seems to be in order now. Thanks for the tip.

Same here. No chance to reinstall my Exchange account ("can't verify...") - even in beta 2. Still working fine under iOS 9 beta 1/2.

Any update on this? I still cannot set it up. Is the internal and External server the same as Internal and External URL now?

I can receive Echange emails, but not send sinc eit cannot find the Exchange outgoing mail server. Also, the calendar doesn\t see the Echange account either.

I have the same problem. I don't know what to put in the external and internal URL field. On iPad and iPhone the Exchange Account is working fine.

Hope someone finds a solution, because I like to use mail again and Outlook is not good.

Similar issue here:

I lost a working exchange account during the update from DP1 to DP2 and cannot add it again, neitehr in the internet account settings nor in any app using the 'add account' menu entry.

When I add my name, email address and password the system pretends to check, but even entering wrong information (wrong email address or password) won't return an error.

I also have this account configured on antother Mac (10.10) and two iOS devices (on 8.3 and 9 beta 2) where the account works, however the account configuration is not synced over iCloud.

Now I was able to set it up again:

- Attempt to add a completely arbitrary account, that does not even exist

- the dialog will change, so you can also enter the user name in addition to email address

- change all information to point to the exchange account you want to use

- set the user name to domain\user name

That worked for me, in the next screen I was able to select the services the account is offering (mail, calender, contacts, etc.)

WHen I put in a fake account, I am only able to enter the username, password, and internal/ external URL. It always tells me that the password isn't right or the account is not found. Not sure what I am doing wrong....

Same problem on my side

I have 7 POP accounts - all proper working

If I activate one of mine 5 Exchange accounts Mail crashes - but new is a new Window which appears before the crash.

This windows asks me if Mail should proceed OR crash with crashlog to Apple. If I select crash it is like it always was. If I select proceed then Mail does not crash, but also not work. Totally frozen. Always.

As I mentioned it also at Beta 1 - it is a shame of the MAIL department to release always Beta versions were Active Sync and Exchange Integration does not work - so it is always stupid for developers to use the Beta because of missing company email accounts. And not every dev has two mac´s.

Rebuilding Mailbox helped to get mails back. But calendar still missing.

I see this same thing on Beta 2 as well

Same here. Exactly the same issue.

Once I get the "Failed to validate" message, I am presented with the manual setup. It fails as well.

Noticed someone on a another thread they can add Exchange account without connecting. I would like to see that!

It's definitely broken...guess I have to wait for DP3.


happening to me too. same issue since developer beta 1. now on public beta 1. couldn't select outoging mail server, so i deleted the account and tried to re-set it up. now i cannot even do that.

DP3 doesn't fix the issue. Still no Exchange support 😟

note - i have a coworker running PB1 and he had no problems with his exchange account. he hasn't tried to add one - but he is able to send emails and his exchange server is showing up as his outgoing server. i wasn't able to, and my account was showing no outgoing server, and i wasn't able to choose one, which was the reason i deleted the account and tried to re-add it.

are you adding your arbitrary account as an exchange account?

Same same here not able to add exchange nor 365 accounts


a workaround is to use the outlook app. It works.

That make the native IOS client bug more obvious.

Unable to configure Mail Account to Exchange