Unable to install watchOS 3

I put beta 1 of iOS 10.0 on my iPhone 6S+. I've installed the beta profile on my Apple Watch. The Watch app on my iPhone gives the following error message when I try to update the Watch:

"Could not connect to watch: Make sure your Apple Watch is nearby, powered on, and not in airplane mode"

Is anyone able to get watchOS updated?

Had same issue on iPhone 6s. Installed iOS 10, then tried to update the watch to watchOS 3.0 and at first I got the "Cannot connect to watch" error.
After a few restarts (both watch and phone) I started getting the "network error" problem inside the Apple Watch app. I just kept restarting both devices and deleting the profiles on my watch until the "Update to 3.0 beta" screen showed up. I have no idea if the servers got a little free or if any of my crazy restarting/deleting skills have paid off, but it's currently downloading the update (pretty slow, it will probably be more than 60 minutes for a complete download).

mine take 3 hours to download (454MB) , unbelievable slow, I already tried 4G and switch between wifi, nothing get better.

something is wrong with the watchOS server, iOS beta just take 30-40 mins to download (1.9GB)

turned cellular on and got the update! Thanks

Same here any one have a solution

Same issue for me. I think I had this problem in the best on previous beta releases. I solved it by installing the profile and just waiting.. normally the next day when I tried again - it found the update and installed. Probably something to do with provisioning on Apple's side - you install the profile - wait for a day - apple does something - you can download...

Same here... cannot install watchOS 3, keep saying that´m not connected to the internet. Installed iOS, tvOS and MacOS very easy, but WatchOS does not install... just the one I was more excited to test! sad...

Same here. Someone have a solution for this?

I'm with the same problem! Hope soon I can enable to install the watchOS 3, I'm very anxious

Same here. Tried to update on a number of different connections, after a full erase. Not working.

I was having same problem but then i switched on VPN, and now its downloading, just remmeber if yu have password on yur phone, as soon as they ask for password, switch off yur vpn or else it will show fail to update.

do you have the corect profile installed on your iphone and your Apple Watch?

Works for me.... Tks

VPN works for me! Thx a lot! :D

You made It! Thanks!!

Nice! Thanks.

Like the others said, I was having this issue for almost 24 hours, however when I connected to a VPN, it took me a couple of trials and then I got the update

Unfortunately VPN method didn't work here 😟

No clue why it's not working.

iOS 10 installed

WatchOS profile installed

But getting Unable to Check for Update message

VPN worked here... Now it's downloading, but veeery slow... About 2 hours for a 494Mb download. Note: I used the VPN just to access the download screen, then I switched it off.

After many tries it worked using VPN, had to try different combinations of VPN services and locations, but finally got it to work. Thanks!

VPN also worked!

Anyone still having issues updating to watchOS Beta 1 after confirming the following, please submit a bug report so we can have someone assist:

- iPhone must be updated to iOS 10

- watchOS beta profile must be installed on Apple Watch, once installed, reboot Apple Watch

- iPhone must be connected to a Wi-Fi network

- Apple Watch must have 50% + battery life remaining

** Apple Watch needs to be on a charger to complete the update process


VPN worked here!!!

Tkank you

hi Grago, did you use a public vpn?

can you shar which one worked for you?

works with Opera VPN App!

Turn the VPN off when the download starts =)

WT actual F.

I added unblock-us.com to my DNS settings and the requeste came through. Once I got the download, I removed unblock-us. It will continue to download.

2 hours remaining.... Sheesh, these servers are busy as ****.

This is a bad apple. Seriously.

Unable to install watchOS 3