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Drag and drop from the Files app onto a List doesn't work anymore in iOS 18
Hi I think I found an issue with SwiftUI List on iOS 18.0 and 18.1 Using the ContentView from the code block below: if you try to drag and drop the globe image onto the blue rows, things work fine on both iOS 17 and 18 with either List or VStack. However if you first drag and drop the image onto the Files app and then drag the newly created PNG file back into our app, it won't work on iOS 18 with the blue row inside the List. Also there's no visual feedback when hovering that blue row (unlike the one inside the VStack). I've tried various view modifiers but no luck so far. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. FB15618535 struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .resizable() .scaledToFit() .frame(height: 100) .draggable(Image(systemName: "globe")) List { Color.gray .frame(height: 100) Color.blue .frame(height: 100) .dropDestination(for: Image.self) { _, _ in print("List dropped") return true } } VStack { Color.gray Color.blue .dropDestination(for: Image.self) { _, _ in print("VStack dropped") return true } } } .padding() } }
SwiftUI Color Issue
I have ran into an issue that is illustrated by the code in the following GitHub repository. https://github.com/dougholland/ColorTest When a SwiftUI color originates from the ColorPicker it can be persisted correctly and renders the same as the original color. When the color originates from the MapFeature.backgroundColor, it is always rendered with the light appearance version of the color and not the dark appearance version. The readme in the GitHub repo has screenshots that show this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as this is affecting an app that is in development and I'd like to resolve this before the app is released. If this is caused by a framework bug, any possible workaround would be greatly appreciated also. I suspect it maybe a framework issue, possibly with some code related to the MapFeature.backgroundColor, because the issue does not occur when the color originates from the ColorPicker.
DocumentGroup with SwiftData BUG!!!!! (modelContext cannot save and querry)
This is a critical bug with Document-Based Apps (SwiftData). If you download the WWDC 2023 sample code for"Building a document-based app using SwiftData" , open it in Xcode 16.1, and run it on an iOS 18+ simulator, you'll encounter a major issue. When you exit a document and reopen it, you'll find that the changes you just made were not saved. iOS 18 has effectively rendered last year's WWDC 2023 sample code obsolete! Has anyone managed to successfully save data in a Document-Based App using SwiftData?
UITableViewDropItem missing in Xcode 16?
Following instructions from ChatGPT, I'm trying to rearrange the order of rows in a UITableView. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView performDropWithCoordinator:(id<UITableViewDropCoordinator>)coordinator { NSIndexPath *destinationIndexPath = coordinator.destinationIndexPath ?: [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:self.items.count inSection:0]; [tableView performBatchUpdates:^{ for (UITableViewDropItem *dropItem in coordinator.items) { NSString *movedItem = dropItem.dragItem.localObject; if (movedItem) { NSIndexPath *sourceIndexPath = dropItem.sourceIndexPath; if (sourceIndexPath) { [self.items removeObjectAtIndex:sourceIndexPath.row]; [self.items insertObject:movedItem atIndex:destinationIndexPath.row]; [tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:sourceIndexPath toIndexPath:destinationIndexPath]; } } } } completion:nil]; } Xcode is complaining that UITableViewDropItem does not exist. The class is in all the documentation, it is just not showing up when needed! Suggestions?
PhotosPickerItem loadTransferable Progress is always indeterminate
I tried several times to use the PhotosPickerItem loadTransferable function with the goal of receiving some progress value especially when loading large video media. However, the Progress object returned by the function has always isIndeterminate == true and so doesn't have any progress value to observe. Is there some way to make it work ? Some configuration I might have overlooked ? Or is it just not working I might have to revert back to the UIKit photo picker because of this
Binding of an array element property inside a struct not working anymore
Hi, I programmed an app to draw cards from a deck. After a card is drawn it is hidden from the deck. The drawn state is a property of a card struct in an array inside a deck struct. This worked well in the past since iOS 14. Since Xcode 16 this does not work as before anymore. This is the Card struct with a Boolfor the drawn state: struct Card: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable { var isDrawn: Bool … } The cards are stored in an array that is inside a CardDeck struct among other properties: struct CardDeck: Codable { var cards: [Card] = [] var cardSpacing: CGFloat … mutating func hideCard(card: Card) { if let cardIndex = self.cards.firstIndex(of: card) { self.cards[cardIndex].isDrawn = true } } } The deck is a published property of an observable DeckStore class for permanent storage: class CardDeckStore: ObservableObject { @Published var deck: CardDeck = CardDeck() … } The DeckStore class is @StateObject in the App struct: @main struct CardApp: App { @StateObject var store = OpaliaCardDeckStore() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView(deck: $store.deck) } } } Here is the simplified DrawCardsView where I present and draw the cards: struct DrawCardsView: View { @Binding var deck: CardDeck var body: some View { // Was a NavigationView before NavigationStack() { HStack(spacing: deck.cardSpacing) { ForEach($deck.cards) { $card in if card.isDrawn { CardBackView(card: card) .hidden() } else { NavigationLink(destination: DrawnCardView(card: card, deck: $deck)) { CardBackView(card: card) } } } } } } } To hide a drawn card, hideCard() is called in the DrawnCardView: struct DrawnCardView: View { var card: Card @Binding var deck: CardDeck @State var drawnCard: DrawnCard = .init() var body: some View { DrawnCardSimpleView(drawnCard: self.drawnCard) .onDisappear(perform: { deck.hideCard(card: self.card) }) } } I am not a pro in programming and there are better solutions to program this, but this worked until I upgraded to Xcode 16. Now it seems the isDrawn state of a card does not update the DrawCardsView right away anymore. A drawn card is not hidden and still present when returning to DrawCardsView from DrawnCardView. After tapping the same card again or another update of the UI, the card will then be hidden. I do not know the reason. It seems the binding of the isDrawn state inside an element of the card array in the observable object is not working anymore. Other properties of the observable object like cardSpacing do work as expected. I can empty the cards array and fill it with new cards without problems in the DrawCardsView. I eliminated the ForEach loop by addressing the array elements directly, but to no avail. I tried different solutions I found on the internet, but nothing worked. I was under the impression that every change in an observable object would update the UI. Any ideas for a explanation/solution? Thanks, Christian
containerBackgroundRemovable(false) breaks tinting for the whole widget
I've encountered what appears to be a bug with widget background image tinting in SwiftUI. When using an image in containerBackground(for: .widget) to fill the entire widget, adding the .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) modifier breaks the widget's tinting behavior: The background image becomes permanently tinted, ignoring any widgetAccentedRenderingMode(_ renderingMode: WidgetAccentedRenderingMode?) settings Text elements become tinted even with .widgetAccentable(false) applied Sample code: struct MyWidget: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { AppIntentConfiguration(kind: "MyWidget", intent: MyWidgetIntent.self, provider: Provider()) { entry in MyWidgetView(entry: entry) .containerBackground(for: .widget) { Image("background") .resizable() .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.fullColor) .scaledToFill() } } .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) // This causes the issue } } Workaround: I've managed to resolve this by using a ZStack with disabled content margins and passing the widget size through the entry. However, this seems like unintended behavior with the .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) modifier. Has anyone else encountered this issue or found a better solution? Device: iPhone 15 Pro iOS Version: 18.1 Xcode Version: 16.1
Inconsistent "New York" font returned between devices
I'm seeing a discrepancy in the metrics of the "New York" system font returned from various Macs. Here's a sample (works well in Playgrounds): import Cocoa let font = NSFont(descriptor: .preferredFontDescriptor(forTextStyle: .body).withDesign(.serif)!, size: NSFont.systemFontSize)! print("\(font.fontName) \(font.pointSize)") print("ascender: \(font.ascender)") let layoutManager = NSLayoutManager() print("lineHeight: \(layoutManager.defaultLineHeight(for: font))") When I run this on multiple Macs, I get two types of different results. Some – most Macs – report this: .NewYork-Regular 13.0 ascender: 12.3779296875 lineHeight: 16.0 However, when I run on my own Mac (and also on the one of a colleague), I get this instead: .NewYork-Regular 13.0 ascender: 14.034145955454255 lineHeight: 19.0 It's clearly the same font in the same point size. Yet the font has different metrics, causing a layout manager to also compute a significantly different line height. So far I've found out that neither CPU generation/architecture nor macOS version seem to play a role. This issue has been reproducible since at least macOS 14. Having just migrated to a new Mac, the issue is still present. This does not affect any other system or commonly installed font. It's only New York (aka the serif design). So I assume this must be something with my setup. Yet I have been unable to find anything that may cause this. Anybody have some ideas? Happy to file a bug report but wanted to check here first.
Swift Charts: chartScrollTargetBehavior fails to snap to a day unit
I am working on a scrollable chart that displays days on the horizontal axis. As the user scrolls, I always want them to be able to snap to a specific day. I implemented the following steps described in this WWDC23 session to achieve this. I have set the chartScrollTargetBehavior to .valueAligned(matching: DateComponents(hour: 0)) I have set the x value unit on the BarMark to Calendar.Component.day I ended up with the chart code that looks like this: Chart(dates, id: \.self) { date in BarMark( x: .value("Date", date, unit: Calendar.Component.day), y: .value("Number", 1) ) .annotation { Text(date.formatted(.dateTime.day())) .font(.caption2) } } .chartXAxis { AxisMarks(format: .dateTime.day()) } .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) .chartScrollTargetBehavior(.valueAligned(matching: DateComponents(hour: 0))) .chartXVisibleDomain(length: fifteenDays) .chartScrollPosition(x: $selection) However, this fails to work reliably. There is often a situation where the chart scroll position lands on, for instance, Oct 20, 11:56 PM, but the chart snaps to Oct 21. I attempted to solve this problem by introducing an intermediate binding between a state value and a chart selection. This binding aims to normalize the selection always to be the first moment of any given date. But this hasn't been successful. private var selectionBinding: Binding<Date> { Binding { Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: selection) } set: { newValue in self.selection = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: newValue) } } It's also worth mentioning that this issue also exists in Apple's sample project on Swift Charts. How would you approach solving this? How can I find a way to make the chart scroll position blind to time values and only recognize whole days? Here's the minimal reproducible example project for your reference.
Getting error while building the project
Error:App is ambiguous for type lookup in this context code in UnqueHolidayApp import SwiftUI import RealmSwift @main struct UniqueHolidayApp: App { init() { migrateRealmIfNeeded() } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } private func migrateRealmIfNeeded() { let config = Realm.Configuration( schemaVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in if oldSchemaVersion < 1 { // Realm will handle changes automatically for simple additions/removals } } ) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config } }
[iOS 18.2 Beta] LazyVGrid within NavigationStack breaks animations
Hello. There seems to be a bug specifically in the iOS 18.2 (both Beta 1 and 2) and not seen in the previous versions. The bug is: when LazyVGrid is nested inside NavigationStack and some elements of the LazyVGrid have animations, navigating into any nested view and then going back to the initial view with the LazyVGrid causes all animations to stop working. Here is the example code inline: struct ContentView: View { @State private var count: Int = 0 var body: some View { NavigationStack { LazyVGrid( columns: Array( repeating: GridItem(spacing: 0), count: 1 ), alignment: .center, spacing: 0 ) { VStack { Text(String(count)) .font(.system(size: 100, weight: .black)) .contentTransition(.numericText()) .animation(.bouncy(duration: 1), value: count) Button("Increment") { count += 1 } NavigationLink(destination: { Text("Test") }, label: { Text("Navigate") }) } } } .padding() } } Once you run the application on iOS 18.2 Beta (I've tried on a real device only), the steps to reproduce are: Tap on the "Increment button" You should see the number change with an animation Tap on the "Navigate" button Tap "Back" to go to the initial screen Tap "Increment" again The number changes without an animation I can confirm that this affects not only .contentTransition() animation but any animation within the LazyVGrid, I've tested this in my real app. Let me know if I can provide more details. Thank you!
Missing EnvironmentObject from TableColumn on macOS
I encountered a strange behavior that reminded me of when .sheet() modifiers didn't inherit environment objects. Unless I'm missing something very obvious, it seems to me that TableColumn may expose the same issue. At least on macOS, because the very same code does not crash on iOS. I'm posting this here before reporting a SwiftUI bug. Below is a gist for a playground: https://gist.github.com/keeshux/4a963cdebb1b577b87b08660ce9d3364 I also observe inconsistent behavior when building with Xcode 16.1 or 15.4, specifically: https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/passepartout/issues/872#issuecomment-2477687967 The workaround I resorted to is re-propagating the environment from the parent: https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/passepartout/pull/873/files#diff-c662c4607f2adfd0d4e2c2a225e0351ba9c21dbdd5fc68f23bc1ce28a20bce4dR45
“Search Bar Overlapping Keyboard and Displaying Suggestions Incorrectly on iPhone 16 Pro”
I’m experiencing an issue with the search bar on my iPhone 16 Pro. When I start typing in the search bar (as shown in the screenshot), the keyboard overlaps with the search suggestions, making it hard to see the contacts and apps that are displayed. The interface seems cluttered, and it becomes difficult to accurately tap on the desired suggestion or contact. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Swipe down to access the search bar on the iPhone 16 Pro. 2. Type a few letters to bring up suggestions for apps, contacts, and messages. Expected Result: The search results should display clearly above the keyboard without overlapping or cluttered suggestions. Actual Result: The keyboard overlaps with the search results, making it difficult to view or select items accurately. Device and OS Details: • iPhone 16 Pro • iOS Version (please replace with your specific version) Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any insights on possible fixes or settings adjustments would be appreciated.
Problems when using @Binding on a dynamic array to edit a list (and the items it contains)
I'm running into an issue where, eventually, something goes "wonky" on some detail items won't present the DetailView when they are clicked on. At first, everything is fine, I can edit (and see results reflected in realtime). I can reorder the list, and I can add Detail items to the list. However, after a while, I start seeing the default detail view (Text("Select a detail item to view")) whenever I click on some items. I've not been able to predict where a failure will occur. In the real app I have a persisted JSON document that never seems to get corrupted. And reflects the edits I perform. With this sample app, I can pretty reliably trigger the issue by moving a detail item in the list, and then adding a detail item, but, it will eventually fail without those actions. Am I doing something that's "forbidden"? (You can create a new app and replace the ContentView.swift with the code below to run this and play with it) import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var main = Main() var body: some View { NavView(main: $main) .onAppear { for index in 1..<11 { main.details.append( Detail( title: "Detail \(index)", description: "Description \(index)")) } } } } struct NavView: View { @Binding var main: Main var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { ListView(main: $main) } detail: { Text("Select a detail item to view") } } } struct ListView: View { @Binding var main: Main @State private var addedDetailCount = 0 var body: some View { List($main.details, editActions: .move) { $detail in NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(detail: $detail)) { Text("\(detail.title)") } } .toolbar { Button( LocalizedStringKey("Add Detail"), systemImage: "plus" ) { addedDetailCount += 1 main.details.append( .init(title: "new Detail \(addedDetailCount)", description: "description")) } } } } struct DetailView: View { @Binding var detail: Detail var body: some View { Form { Text("id: \(detail.id)") TextField("Title", text: $detail.title) TextField("Detail", text: $detail.description) } .padding() } } struct Main { var details = [Detail]() } struct Detail: Identifiable { var id = UUID() var title: String var description: String } #Preview { ContentView() }
Sharelink in WatchOS and Messages App
I’m relatively new to SwiftUI, so I’ve got a pretty basic question here. In my watchOS app, I’m using ShareLink to share a string of text to the Mail and Messages apps. Mail shows up in the ShareLink sheet just fine, but Messages doesn’t appear. What’s odd is that when I run the app in Xcode’s preview or in the Simulator, Messages does show up as a sharing option… So now I’m wondering if this is just a quirk with my device or if Apple doesn’t actually support sharing text to Messages from third-party watchOS apps yet? I know some Apple Watch apps (like Contacts) do support sending text/files to Messages, so I’m curious if anyone’s had a similar experience or knows more about this. Any insights would be super helpful!
Control gallery preview bug
Environment: Xcode16, iOS 18.1 official version Background: I created a control center widget using a custom sf symbol Phenomenon: When I first installed it, it displayed normally in the control gallery, but when I recompiled and installed it again, the icon disappeared when I looked at it again in the control gallery. I used Console to check the error log and found that its output was' No image named 'my_custom _symbol_name' found in asset catalog for/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F977FCFB-DA1C-4924-8613-50531CA2A364/MyDemoApp. app/PlugIns/MyDemoApp Extension. apex '. I found that this uuid was not consistent with the uuid I print during debugging, as if the control gallery had done some kind of caching; Additionally, when I added my Control to the Control Center, it was able to display normally, and the only issue was with the Control Gallery Attempted method: -Using the system SF Symbol, it works fine and can be displayed normally in the control gallery after recompilation. However, once I switch another SF Symbols, the icons in the control gallery do not update after recompilation and installation -Restarting the device, the same issue still persists Is this a system bug or did I make a mistake? Looking forward to someone helping, thank you My Code: @available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) struct MySearchControlWidget: ControlWidget { let kind = "MySearchControlWidget" let title = "My Title" var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration { let intent = MyCommonButtonControlWidgetIntent() StaticControlConfiguration(kind: kind) { ControlWidgetButton(action: intent) { Label("\(title)", image:"my_custom_symbol_name") } } .displayName("\(title)") } }
xcode16,iphone16,iOS 自定义navigationItemLeftBar,设置 navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self,侧划返回一半,点击屏幕,界面卡死。 18系统之前的手机,或者非iphone16的手机没有问题。
Crash when setting up the content view loaded from a NIB
I am trying to understand why I am seeing crash reports for my code that creates a view from a NIB like the code below. The crash occurs when referencing contentView which should have been bound when the NIB was loaded. Am I missing something here other than checking the result of the loadNibNamed function call? class MyView: NSView { @IBOutlet var contentView: NSView! init() { super.init(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 84.0, height: 49.0)) commonInit() } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } private func commonInit() { Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("MyView", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil) translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false contentView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false addSubview(contentView) contentView.frame = self.bounds }