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How to ensure current SKScene has fully loaded before engaging it with the GamePad Controller?
How to ensure current SKScene has fully loaded before engaging it with the GamePad Controller? The problem is this = when stopping sound is involved when I do switch SKScenes, if I press the buttons of the GamePad Controller (which cycle thru these other SKScenes) too fast, the movement of the Game Pieces fails to resume when I return to the Game Scene after the above cycling. This problem occurs only with the os(tvOS) version, but not with the iPad version. And the reason for this distinction is that each SKScene for the iPad has to fully load due to the fact that the button I press to switch SKScenes is at the top-left corner of the iPad -- so, by definition, by the time I have access to this button, the current SKScene has fully loaded. By definition, there is no such button for os(tvOS). Given this button’s absence, I believe I need the Swift version of jQuery’s $(document).ready (function() {. Any help will be appreciated to the rafters ...
Can I pay for more than one Apple Developer Program Enrollment with one Visa card?
Hello dear forum members and Apple Team! I paid for Enrollment membership in Apple Developer Program 8 months ago and this account is active. My question is: can I use the visa card I used in the first account I opened to pay for another Enrollment on the Apple Developer Program platform? My second question: I filled in all the required information to become a member of the Apple Developer Program platform and completed the last stage of payment, but my visa card has not been charged. And I haven't received any message for this membership application, what should I do? Thanks in advance for the answers.