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Networking Documentation






How to implement server-side authentication for text filtering requests??
If an app has a text filtering extension and associated server that the iPhone OS communicates with, then how can that communication be authenticated? In other words, how can the server verify that the request is valid and coming from the iPhone and not from some spoofer? If somebody reverse engineers the associated domain urls our of the app's info.plist or entitlement files and calls the server url directly, then how can the server detect this has occurred and the request is not coming from the iPhone OS of a handset on which the app is installed?
Dec ’24
Apple's CDN has only partially rolled out the changes made to the AASA file two weeks ago
We updated the apple-app-site-association file two weeks ago and we are only seeing the new content from Apple's CDN serving certain regions such as Texas and Canada. Regions such as Colorado intermittently sees the old content and California has been receiving the old content all the time. Is this a known issue? If yes, when can we expect this to be fixed and where to check the status? If not, can someone in charge of CDN please look into this? Let me know if there is a better place to report this issue and get the support ASAP though. Thank you in advance and happy new year!
URLSession downloadTask(with:) TimeOut Error NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2103
I have been battling this intermittent error for some time. It is generally random and has been difficult to reproduce until yesterday when I stumbled across a way to reproduce it each time. I can cause the code to throw this error: Task <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1> finished with error [-1001] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2103, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=BackgroundDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "BackgroundDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>", "LocalDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://redacted*, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://redacted*} *"redacted" is the backend URL, and it is the correct and same path for each immediately after restarting an actual device. I have been over the following threads with no results: What is kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4 (kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4) Request timed out with _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=60 How to better diagnose -1001 "The request timed out." URLSession errors Random timed out error on app start Because I was able to reproduce it, I have been able to get the following logs: Console Logs.txt Last bit of information is that I had Network Instruments running, and when this error occurred, I found that the Connection ID was "No Connection" and it appears the request was never actually sent, though it waited the full time out for a backend response. Any help would be appreciated. This data request is being used after sending a certain APNs to update necessary data in the background, and has been the source of many user complaints.
Network connection works in cmd Line app but not SwiftUI app
I'm writing a SwiftUI LDAP Browser. I built a command line swift app to do some testing and it works fine. I had to add the certificates from the LDAP server to the system keychain before it would work with TLS/SSL. Then I ported the same code into a SwiftUI app but I cannot get it to connect via TLS/SSL. On the same machine with the same certs it errors with: An unexpected error occurred: message("Can't contact LDAP server") It connect fine with our TLS/SSL. I suspect this may have to do with App Transport Security. Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve this? App is MacOS only.
Local Network Privacy breaks Application
With the new macOS 15, Apple introduced the new Local Network Privacy feature. This is causing issues for our customers as - even though they granted the required permission for our software - connections to a server in their local network are being blocked. The situation is not fixed by recent macOS updates. As far as I know, this issue exists for machines running on Apple Silicon. Systems running macOS versions (e.g. Sonoma) are not affected. Currently, the workaround is to re-enable the permission under Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network. The list shows our application with an enabled checkbox. Users now have to de-select the box and then re-select it again for the application to work. They have to do this after each and every reboot of their system, which is slightly annoying (so at the moment we recommend to not upgrade macOS to Sequoia, if possible) I did some research and saw that other products are also affected by this bug. Is there a solution to this issue or any plans to fix it?
NESMVPNSession disconnected
Hi, I have a problem with my OpenVPN connection on my app with iOS 14.4. I perform my VPN configuration from an oven file, with a NETunnelProviderManager protocol, but when I perform the startVPNTunnel, it starts connecting and immediately disconnects. The error I see in the logs is the following: NESMVPNSession[Primary Tunnel:OpenVPN Client: -----(null)]: status changed to disconnected, last stop reason Plugin was disabled This happens to me when running my app on a physical iPad. Regards import NetworkExtension import OpenVPNAdapter class VPNConnection {          var connectionStatus = "Disconnected"              var myProviderManager: NETunnelProviderManager?          func manageConnectionChanges( manager:NETunnelProviderManager ) - String {         NSLog("Waiting for changes");         var status = "Disconnected"                  NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.NEVPNStatusDidChange, object: manager.connection, queue: OperationQueue.main, using: { notification in                          let baseText = "VPN Status is "                          switch manager.connection.status {             case .connected:                 status = "Connected"             case .connecting:                 status = "Connecting"             case .disconnected:                 status = "Disconnected"             case .disconnecting:                 status = "Disconnecting"             case .invalid:                 status = "Invalid"             case .reasserting:                 status = "Reasserting"             default:                 status = "Connected"             }                          self.connectionStatus = status                          NSLog(baseText+status)                      });         return status     }          func createProtocolConfiguration() - NETunnelProviderProtocol {         guard             let configurationFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "app-vpn", withExtension: "ovpn"),             let configurationFileContent = try? Data(contentsOf: configurationFileURL)         else {             fatalError()         }                  let tunnelProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()         tunnelProtocol.serverAddress = ""         tunnelProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = ""                  tunnelProtocol.providerConfiguration = ["ovpn": String(data: configurationFileContent, encoding: .utf8)! as Any]         tunnelProtocol.disconnectOnSleep = false                  return tunnelProtocol     }          func startConnection(completion:@escaping () - Void){         self.myProviderManager?.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in             guard error == nil else {                 // Handle an occurred error                 return             }                          do {                 try self.myProviderManager?.connection.startVPNTunnel()                 print("Tunnel started")             } catch {                 fatalError()             }         })     }          func loadProviderManager(completion:@escaping () - Void) {                           NETunnelProviderManager.loadAllFromPreferences { (managers, error) in             guard error == nil else {                 fatalError()                 return             }                          self.myProviderManager = managers?.first ?? NETunnelProviderManager()             self.manageConnectionChanges(manager: self.myProviderManager!)                          self.myProviderManager?.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in                 guard error == nil else {                     fatalError()                     return                 }                                  let tunnelProtocol = self.createProtocolConfiguration()                                  self.myProviderManager?.protocolConfiguration = tunnelProtocol                 self.myProviderManager?.localizedDescription = "OpenVPN Client Ubic"                                  self.myProviderManager?.isEnabled = true                                  self.myProviderManager?.isOnDemandEnabled = false                                  self.myProviderManager?.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in                     if error != nil  {                         // Handle an occurred error                         fatalError()                     }                     self.startConnection {                         print("VPN loaded")                     }                 })             })         }     } }
Feb ’21
NEPacketTunnelProvider virtual interface MTU
Hi everyone, We are working on creating a virtual network interface using NEPacketTunnelProvider, with an MTU of 1500 bytes. I would like to understand what will happen if we attempt to write packets of approximately 65,000 bytes to this interface. Specifically, will the packets be fragmented based on protocol and flags, will they be dropped, or is there another unexpected behaviour we should anticipate? Thanks
macOS_15.2 and NE
I've implemented a custom system extension VPN for macOS, using a Packet Tunnel Provider. I saw something suspicious on macOS 15.2.0: When I disconnected my VPN, the UTUN was not being cleared. This results in a lot of UTUNs when the user connects and disconnects multiple times. utun77: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 utun78: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 This happens only on macOS 15.2. I tried the same app on older versions (15.0, 15.1.x), and it didn't reproduce. Can those 'dirty' UTUNs cause a networking problem? Since it happens only on macOS 15.2, is there a bug in this OS version? How can I check if something in my code causes this behavior? How can I 'fix' it or force clean the 'dirty' UTUNs?
Local network access disabled after macOS restart
My application needs local network access. When it is started for the first time, the user gets a prompt to enable local network access (as expected). The application is then shown as enabled in Privacy & Security / Local Network and local network access is working. If macOS is then shutdown and restarted, local network access is blocked for the application even though it is still shown as enabled in Privacy & Security / Local Network. Local network access can be restored either by toggling permission off and on in Privacy & Security / Local Network or by disabling and enabling Wi-Fi. This behaviour is consistent on Sequoia 15.1. It happens sometimes on 15.0 and 15.0.1 but not every time. Is my application doing something wrong or is this a Sequoia issue? If it is a Sequoia issue, is there some change I can make to my application to work around it?
Nov ’24
Issue with Multicast Message Port in NWConnectionGroup and BSD Sockets
Hello Everyone, I'm currently working on a cross-platform application that uses IP-based multicast for device discovery across both Apple and non-Apple devices running the same app. All devices join a multicast group "X.X.X.X" on port Y. For Apple devices, I am using NWConnectionGroup for multicast discovery, while for non-Apple devices, I am using BSD sockets. The issue arises when I attempt to send a multicast message to the group using NWConnectionGroup. The message is sent from a separate ephemeral port rather than the multicast port Y. As a result, all Apple processes that are using NWConnectionGroup can successfully receive the multicast message. However, the processes running on the non-Apple devices (using BSD sockets) do not receive the message. My Questions: Is there a way to configure NWConnectionGroup to send multicast messages from the same multicast port Y rather than an ephemeral port? Is there any known behavior or limitation in how NWConnectionGroup handles multicast that could explain why non-Apple devices using BSD sockets cannot receive the message? How can I ensure cross-platform multicast compatibility between Apple devices using NWConnectionGroup and non-Apple devices using BSD sockets? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Harshal
Alternative for deprecated dns_parse_packet
I'm developing in Swift and working on parsing DNS queries. I'm considering using dns_parse_packet, but I noticed that dns_util is deprecated (although it still seems to work in my limited testing). As far as I know, there isn’t a built-in replacement for this. Is that correct? On a related note, are there any libraries available for parsing TLS packets—specifically the ClientHello message to extract the Server Name Indication (SNI)—instead of relying on my own implementation? Related to this post.
DNS not working when VPN is active on iOS/iPadOS 18.x
Our company has a VPN client that uses the Packet Tunnel Provider network extension and when 18 came out we noticed that we were no longer seeing DNS requests get sent to the VPNs TUN interface. Do a packet trace, once the VPN becomes active we see requests to and, which both get resolved as expected. Also our main app that controls the VPN service and does authentication has to resolve a hostname to get to an authentication service and we see those requests just fine as well. However, when we try to resolve by going to a webpage in Safari we see no DNS request corresponding to that. What are we missing? At first I thought it was the RFC9461 stuff but from the packet traces I don't believe that is the case. I have also tried other networking tools to send the DNS requests and that failed as well.
setTunnelNetworkSettings() is not setting excludedRoutes
We are using PacketTunnel as system extension to establish vpn tunnel. The flow is like: Create a PacketTunnelProvide to establish vpn When tunnel gets connected add excludedRoutes by calling setTunnelNetworkSettings(). Result: The routing table is not getting updated with new excludeRoutes entries. As per setTunnelNetworkSettings() documentation: "This function is called by tunnel provider implementations to set the network settings of the tunnel, including IP routes, DNS servers, and virtual interface addresses depending on the tunnel type. Subclasses should not override this method. This method can be called multiple times during the lifetime of a particular tunnel. It is not necessary to call this function with nil to clear out the existing settings before calling this function with a non-nil configuration." So we believe setTunnelNetworkSettings() should be able to set new excludeRoutes. We could see we are passing correct entries to setTunnelNetworkSettings(): { tunnelRemoteAddress = DNSSettings = { protocol = cleartext server = (,, ) matchDomains = ( , ) matchDomainsNoSearch = NO } IPv4Settings = { configMethod = manual addresses = (, ) subnetMasks = (, ) includedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = gatewayAddress = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = gatewayAddress = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = gatewayAddress = }, ) excludedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, ) overridePrimary = NO } MTU = 1298 } The problem is present on macOS Sequoia 15.2. Is it a known issue? Did anyone else faced this issue?
Symbol not found error running Message Filter Extension on iOS 17.6.1 but no problem with iOS 18.2
If I run an app with a Message Filter Extension on a handset with iOS 18.2 then it runs fine, however if I run the exact same app with no changes on a different phone which has iOS 17.6.1 installed then the following error occurs when the extension is enabled within Settings: dyld[631]: Symbol not found: _$sSo40ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponseC14IdentityLookupE21promotionalSubActionsSaySo0abI6ActionVGvs
Handling Data Download Backpressure in URLSession
I am developing an application that processes a video file stored on a server. I use URLSessionDataTask with a delegate handler to download the file. It is not necessary to download the entire file at once. Instead, I can load small chunks of the file as needed. This approach helps minimize memory consumption. I am trying to design a network layer that supports this behavior. Ideally, I would like to have an interface similar to: func readMoreData(length: Int) async throws -> Data Problems I Encountered: It seems that URLSessionDataTask does not allow controlling how many bytes will be downloaded. It always downloads the entire request. If I call suspend on URLSessionDataTask, the network activity does not stop, and the file keeps downloading. If I upgrade the dataTask to a StreamTask, the file still downloads, though reading bytes can be done through the StreamTask API. I would prefer behavior similar to AsyncHTTPClient (a Swift Server library) or Network Framework. These frameworks allow controlling the number of bytes downloaded at a time. Unfortunately, they do not fit the specific requirements of my project. Am I correct in understanding that controlling the download process is not possible with URLSessionDataTask? As a possible solution, I am considering using HTTP Range Requests, though this would increase the number of additional server requests, which I would like to avoid.
Issue with Multicast Response via NWConnectionGroup Behind a Firewall
Hello Everyone, I’m working on a project that involves multicast communication between processes running on different devices within the same network. For all my Apple devices (macOS, iOS, etc.), I am using NWConnectionGroup, which listens on a multicast address "XX.XX.XX.XX" and a specific multicast port. The issue occurs when a requestor (such as a non-Apple process) sends a multicast request, and the server, which is a process running on an Apple device using NWConnectionGroup (the responder), attempts to reply. The problem is that the response is sent from a different ephemeral port rather than the port on which the multicast request was received. If the client is behind a firewall that blocks unsolicited traffic, the firewall only allows incoming packets on the same multicast port used for the initial request. Since the multicast response is sent from a different ephemeral port, the firewall blocks this response, preventing the requestor from receiving it. Questions: Is there a recommended approach within the NWConnectionGroup or Network.framework to ensure that responses to multicast requests are sent from the same port used for the request? Are there any best practices for handling multicast responses in scenarios where the requestor is behind a restrictive firewall? Any insights or suggestions on how to account for this behavior and ensure reliable multicast communication in such environments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Harshal