Maps & Location

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Learn how to integrate MapKit and Core Location to unlock the power of location-based features in your app.

Maps & Location Documentation






Apple maps trail / local path only becomes visible on very close zoom
I'm using apple maps to build a feature so users can create and save running/cycling/hiking routes. Currently the map only shows trails and similar local paths after zooming in to what is basically an extreme level. I want the trails and local paths to be more visible on a further, broader level of zoom. APPLE MAPS JS EX: APPLE MAPS iOS EX: Also strange that on iOS the path is visible while more zoomed out whereas JS does not. Please advise how to show these map items at a broader zoom.
Oct ’24
Issue with geolocation without using maps
I have an application that uses geolocation to track the user’s location and trigger actions when the app is in either the foreground or background. Currently, it seems that region entry is not triggered unless an app like Maps (which actively uses location services) is opened. The location permissions are correctly set to “Always” with precise location enabled. We are using geofencing to setup region and trigger actions when entering or leaving. Is there something I’m missing in the configuration that could be preventing region monitoring from triggering properly when the app is in use or in background?
Oct ’24
how to show subway exit in the mapkit mapview
mapView.showsTraffic=true mapView.showsScale=true mapView.showsCompass=true mapView.showsUserLocation=true mapView.showsBuildings=true mapView.showsLargeContentViewer=true hi,guy,please help to see this problem,thankyou,the mapkit api support some showsfunction,but I can not find how to show the exit of subway in my own app,but the map app of appple shows the exit of the subway,so how can I show the exit of the subway stations by using mapkit
Oct ’24
Location "While in use" + Background?
I need some clarification on what is supposed to happen if the "allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates" flag on CLLocationManager is set to true, and only the "While in Use" permission has been given. The customer I'm working with thinks that this combination should allow the app to receive location updates in the background indefinitely, as long as the app was in the foreground when we started receiving them. What we've experienced is inconsistent. App updates do continue when the screen locks and in some cases when we switch to another app, but often they do not. Our app doesn't require location updates 24/7, it requires them for a period of time when the user is performing an activity. The user starts and stops the activity in the app, and the activity might last up to a couple of hours. Can we do this using "While in Use" or do we need to request "Always" ?
Oct ’24
Intermittent MKLocalSearch.Request Failures with Amap Data Source
My app has been using MKLocalSearch.Request for keyword-based location searches, and it has worked smoothly for a long time. However, starting last Wednesday, I began receiving an error from MKLocalSearch.start: MKErrorDomain (error code 4). This issue only occurs when the network environment is based in mainland China (where the API uses the Amap data source). When the network switches to other regions and other Apple Maps data source is used, the error does not occur. Another complication is that the API doesn't always fail—certain keywords still work (for example, "Huawei"). Already filed a ticket in Feedback Assistant:
Oct ’24
Apple Maps Server API Unauthorized Error
I'm trying to use the new Apple Maps Server API. As far as I can tell I have set up the token correctly, but my web request is still returning 401 unauthorized. The following is my code in TypeScript: import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; const JWT_SECRET = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + "MIGTAgEAMBMGBy..............................\n" + "..............................................................\n" + "..............................................................\n" + "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; const header = { alg: "ES256", kid: "26DYPK65ZK", typ: "jwt" } // Example payload data const payload = { "iss": "7F3PBYWYMS", "iat":, "exp": + (1000 * 30 * 60), }; export async function getRestaurants() { let token = jwt.sign(payload, JWT_SECRET, { algorithm: 'ES256', header: header}); const response = await fetch(' (', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': "Bearer " + token }, }); console.log(response); } What am I doing incorrectly here?
Oct ’24
CLMonitor does not always trigger on entry
I have an App which needs to monitor one CircularGeographicCondition for a feature. No other location services are required in the moment. Im facing the problem that entry events aren't forwarded to my implementation in every case on real devices. In the simulator everything is working like a charm. Exit events seemed to be working quite reliable on real devices too. Even after resuming the app from background in case of a missed entry event does not trigger the entry event. Only restarting (which recreates the monitor) triggers an entry event. The radius of my geofence is 200 meters What I have done: a. Holding a service session session = CLServiceSession(authorization: .always) b. Creating a Task which holds the CLMonitor, adds the conditions and loops through the events. My questions are: Is this expected behavior? If yes, how can I force the CLMonitor to recalculate the state of the condition? Thank you so much for your help
Oct ’24
can I specify the transit mode
aoubut MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey, when I use MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeTransit as a mode in my code to call function openMaps ,the apple map app launches,it has 4 mode ,subbay or ferry,bus etc,so how can I specify the subway to transit before apple map app launch,so that I do not need to select on the map app,just specific subway in my own app, then the map app auto select the subway transit navigation。now it shows two much usless route。
Oct ’24
bicycle mode to navigate
MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDefault MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeWalking MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeTransit when I am using the mapkit navigation, I only see the 4 modes, but can not find the mode of bicycle, so how can I find the enum of using bicycle to navigate by bicycle ,than you!~ Xcode version is 16.
Oct ’24
transportType .transit does not work
hi, does someone encounter this problem, this is sample code : let request = MKDirections.Request() request.source = MKMapItem(placemark: startPlacemark) request.destination = MKMapItem(placemark: endPlacemark) request.transportType = .transit // .transit does not work I want to make a route with two point(startPlacemark and endPlacemark ), when I give request.transportType the value of **.transit ** ,I found it not work, ps: .automobile .walking works well , my Xcode version is 16 .
Oct ’24
Beginner lost needs advice
A north american map that allows myself and family to drop pins and with those pins upload up to a min video to share w other users. This does not have to have navigation just a basic pin drop on a live map that uploads in real-ish time to share w other users ..... i am stuck at where to start, any suggestions or has anyone already made a version they could share advice ? much appreciated
Oct ’24
MapKit JS is not available for use within mainland China. The browser console shows a 401 error for the API.
I am using the code provided on the website, replacing it with my own MapKit JS Token. When accessing it using a network in mainland China, a 401 error occurs with the message [Initialization failed because the authorization token is invalid]. However, it works normally when using a network in Japan. Does this service not work in mainland China?
Oct ’24
Potential memory leaks in CLLocationUpdate.Updates
This is my first post here. Please guide me, if I need to provide more information to answer this post. I write a simple application, that monitors GPS position (location). I followed Apple documentation for LiveUpdates: My app can monitor location in foreground, background or it can completely stop monitoring location. Background location, if needed, is switched on when application changes scenePhase to .background. But it is in the foreground, that memory leaks occur (according to Instruments/Leaks. Namely Leaks points to the instruction: let updates = CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() every time I start location and then stop it, by setting updatesStarted to false. Leaks claims there are 5x leaks there: Malloc 32 Bytes 1 0x6000002c1d00 32 Bytes libswiftDispatch.dylib OS_dispatch_queue.init(label:qos:attributes:autoreleaseFrequency:target:) CLDispatchSilo 1 0x60000269e700 96 Bytes CoreLocation 0x184525c64 Malloc 48 Bytes 1 0x600000c8f2d0 48 Bytes Foundation +[NSString stringWithUTF8String:] NSMutableSet 1 0x6000002c4240 32 Bytes LocationSupport 0x18baa65d4 dispatch_queue_t (serial) 1 0x600002c69c80 128 Bytes libswiftDispatch.dylib OS_dispatch_queue.init(label:qos:attributes:autoreleaseFrequency:target:) I tried [weak self] in Task, but it doesn't solve the leaks problem and causes other issues, so I dropped it. Anyway, Apple doesn't use it either. Just in case this is my function, which has been slightly changed comparing to Apple example, to suit my needs: func startLocationUpdates() { Task() { do { self.updatesStarted = true let updates = CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() for try await update in updates { // End location updates by breaking out of the loop. if !self.updatesStarted { self.location = nil self.mapLocation = nil self.track.removeAll() break } if let loc = update.location { let locationCoordinate = loc.coordinate let location2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: locationCoordinate.latitude, longitude: locationCoordinate.longitude) self.location = location2D if self.isAnchor { if #available(iOS 18.0, *) { if !update.stationary { self.track.append(location2D) } } else { // Fallback on earlier versions if !update.isStationary { self.track.append(location2D) } } } } } } catch { // } return } } Can anyone help me locating these leaks?
Oct ’24
Core Location always failing (kCLErrorLocationUnknown)
Hello. I’m trying to use Core Location Service on any application in Mac (Safari, Maps, Weather, Chrome with Core Location configuration, or just trigger the API with a standalone app) and it seems that all of them constantly fail to provide the geolocation of my device because of the same error (kCLErrorLocationUnknown). I'm using MacBook Pro (M3 Max) with Sonoma 14.7. I’m sure the apps have access in the settings and everything is in order except the Core Location response. I’ve tested the issue on multiple MacBooks and it reproduced 100% of the times on all of them. Did anyone encounter a similar issue?
Oct ’24
Strange GPS Behavior in Outdoor Activity Tracking App
Hi everyone, I’m encountering a strange issue with GPS tracking in my app, and I’m hoping for some insights. I’m developing an app that records users' GPS activities (walking, biking, etc.) with app in the foreground and/or background. Most activities are outdoors, sometimes in areas with poor GPS reception, such as mountains. To track user location, we’re using: locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationManager.distanceFilter = 3 locationManager.activityType = .fitness locationManager.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = false locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true The Issue In certain scenarios, the GPS behaves unexpectedly. For example (see attached image below): A user followed a normal route (brown line), then reached an intersection and turned right (blue arrow). However, the GPS continued straight for about 200 meters (brown line) before correcting itself and resuming accurate tracking. Here’s a snippet of the recorded coordinates during this misbehavior: time,latitude,longitude,elevation,verticalAccuracy,horizontalAccuracy 10:17:17,47.92408,7.10438,950.82375,4.74865,4.80005 10:17:33,47.92410,7.10435,950.14966,4.74865,4.10799 10:17:44,47.92412,7.10431,943.63913,4.74865,4.46287 10:17:53,47.92413,7.10427,939.51380,4.74865,4.60644 10:17:59,47.92415,7.10424,934.82986,4.74865,4.52599 10:18:02,47.92417,7.10420,932.53145,4.74865,4.823035 10:18:05,47.92418,7.10416,927.84917,4.748655,4.59619 10:18:09,47.92420,7.10413,924.89886,4.748655,4.50172 10:18:13,47.92422,7.10409,923.35354,4.74865,4.77356 10:18:18,47.92424,7.104055,920.16327,4.74865,4.78286 10:18:22,47.92426,7.10400,915.23174,4.74865,4.66226 10:18:28,47.92427,7.10397,906.08626,4.74865,4.97331 10:18:31,47.92429,7.10394,903.25157,4.74865,4.81649 10:18:35,47.92431,7.10390,895.27948,4.74865,5.15392 10:18:38,47.92433,7.10386,889.71076,4.74865,5.25283 10:18:42,47.92435,7.10382,881.74041,4.74865,5.49089 10:18:46,47.92437,7.103785,874.34945,4.74865,5.55564 10:18:49,47.92439,7.10374,869.63184,4.74865,5.37537 10:18:53,47.92441,7.10370,861.26690,4.74865,5.39344 10:18:57,47.92443,7.10366,854.67646,4.74865,5.30404 10:19:01,47.92445,7.10362,848.48881,4.74865,5.59742 10:19:06,47.92447,7.10359,836.48915,4.74865,5.65666 10:19:08,47.92449,7.103555,835.72566,4.74865,5.54957 10:19:10,47.92450,7.10352,834.41579,4.74865,5.63540 10:19:13,47.92452,7.10348,830.17080,4.74865,5.65795 10:19:16,47.92454,7.10344,828.17052,4.74865,5.72169 10:19:19,47.92456,7.10340,824.93658,4.74865,5.62606 10:19:24,47.92458,7.10337,818.40503,4.74865,5.23265 10:19:34,47.92460,7.103335,804.42539,4.74865,4.683855 10:19:38,47.92462,7.10329,799.51747,4.74865,4.47590 10:19:48,47.92464,7.10324,784.97044,4.74865,4.59459 10:19:50,47.92466,7.10320,782.04750,4.748655,4.71036 10:19:57,47.92468,7.10317,777.49314,4.74865,4.60504 10:20:05,47.92469,7.10313,771.30168,4.74865,4.35574 10:20:09,47.92472,7.10308,766.64446,4.74865,4.94510 10:20:13,47.92474,7.10304,757.33384,4.74865,5.39175 10:20:15,47.92476,7.10300,753.52157,4.74865,5.442045 10:20:20,47.92477,7.10297,742.66179,4.74865,5.52391 10:20:23,47.92479,7.10293,735.38369,4.74865,5.44657 10:20:25,47.92480,7.10290,732.19367,4.74865,5.519945 10:20:28,47.92482,7.10286,725.15380,4.748655,5.58173 10:20:31,47.92484,7.10282,717.08813,4.74865,5.37805 10:20:34,47.92486,7.102785,710.35208,4.74865,5.27918 10:20:37,47.92488,7.10274,706.16774,4.748655,5.53270 10:20:40,47.92490,7.10270,702.84802,4.74865,5.71088 10:20:41,47.92648,7.10356,940.27115,6.600805,10.78768 10:20:43,47.92651,7.10355,940.24665,6.61807,10.45243 At 10:17:44, the location data was correct. Shortly after, CLLocationManager started returning inaccurate coordinates. Despite the system reporting good horizontal and vertical accuracy, the altitude readings drop progressively from 940m to 702m, even though the user remained at 940m in reality. (We also recorded barometric elevation, which confirms that he stayed around 900m) Then, at 10:20:41, the GPS corrected itself. Questions Is it possible that GPS could "lock onto" the wrong path, generating valid-looking but incorrect coordinates? Can we force CLLocationManager to use GPS exclusively (disabling other sensors like Wi-Fi)? I assumed that setting activityType = .fitness would prioritize outdoor tracking, but I’m still being located indoors. Could adjusting the activityType improve this behavior? Could having multiple CLLocationManager() instances in our app cause issues? (We use one to save the GPS coordinates, but MapBox also creates a CLLocationManager with lower accuracy for its Telemetry framework, for example) Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
Oct ’24