Hello! MapKit JS sample code is now available at https://maps.developer.apple.com/sample-code.
Here's a list of the samples that are currently available:
Embedded Map Demonstrates simply displaying a map with minimal code.
Annotations & Reverse Geocoding Demonstrates adding/removing annotations, using the Reverse Geocoding API to find place data.
Annotations with a Custom Callout Demonstrates how to add custom styles to annotation callouts.
US Population By State Overlays Demonstrates displaying, transforming, and interacting with GeoJSON-based map overlays.
Callout Accessory Views Demonstrates displaying additional customized elements within a callout.
Region and Zoom Limits Demonstrates limiting a map's viewport's zoom levels and latitude/longitude constraints.
Animated Polyline Overlays Demonstrates animating an overlay property in a request animation frame loop.
MapKit JS
RSS for tagEmbed interactive Apple maps on your website, annotate points of interest, and perform geo-related searches using MapKit JS.
Posts under MapKit JS tag
32 Posts
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So far, we have been using Google Maps to determine distance along a certain route for a MacOS app to register kilometers for a business administration app. But, this is no longer possible, as the login for google maps no longer works. I understand we would have to pay to continue using the Google Maps service as it was and we would have to make changes to the app. That would be ok, but I was just wondering does any developer on this forum have suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Or even maybe have suggestions, to make this work better than before. Three suggestions by chatgpt: use ANWB route planner using google maps, Pro6pp, or to useWisp.Software (something I haven't heard of before. Your suggestions and ideas are welcome. Also, if the Apple Developer team knows of a way how to do this in your app, your advice is more than welcome. Have a nice day!
I am having issues loading in a mapkit snapshot. I get an error saying that https://domain.com and they're expecting domain.com. I have no idea what could be going wrong here. I set the domains properly in the mapkit tokens. When I click on the link it opens a new tab and loads what the data properly, but somehow in the application on production this error comes up.
I'd like to be able to rotate an mapkit.ImageAnnotation.
From this post on Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78686475/need-to-style-a-mapkit-js-marker-annotation/78702266#78702266 I understand that it's possible, for example, to the following: map.annotations[0].element.style.cursor = "pointer"; and this works for me.
However, I need to do something like the following, but it doesn't work: map.annotations[0].element.style.transform = "rotate(90deg) ";
Any ideas how a mapkit.ImageAnnotation and mapkit.MarkerAnnotation can be rotated?
Thanks in advance
My organization, Los Angeles Pierce College, rents space to "Topanga Vintage Market", which is a monthly weekend swap meet operation.
Apple Maps shows the location as roughly 34.18715° N, 118.58058° W. However, this is the location of the campus Child Development Center, which provides child care services and is not open during the hours of the Topanga Vintage Market.
The actual location should be in the adjacent large parking lot, roughly 34.18740° N, 118.57782° W. They do not have a physical building.
How do I get this resolved? I am putting a campus mapping application into the App Store real soon now.
There is also an entry for "ALC Taco Truck" about 34.18533° N, 118.57349° W, which as far as I know has not been on campus since Covid.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.
On IOS 18, starting October this year, the location is not syncing in real time.You might drive for several kilometers and the location displayed on Waze will remain on the same position.This might put in position to miss the exit on the highway and have to drive another 40/50 km, lose time and energy, to get back in the original track. Reinstall the application twice is not correcting the behavior, as well as changing the device, the same issue is present on iPhone 16.
Waze support team shared the following:
”Hey there! We'd like to apologize for any hassle that this has caused you. This article: https://*******.com/3fu88jwj might help solve your issue. If you still need help, please open a support ticket by copying and pasting this link: https://*******.com/mrx77ukz in a web browser, and someone from the team will get back to you soon."
Based on the above facts, this is clearly an IOS 18 issue, that needs to be prioritized.
When using Search.autocomplete and getting the results, each search result object has coordinate which have 13 decimal places. When you use Geocoder.reverseLookup for these coordinates, it returns the wrong address and different coordinates (6 decimal places and different as well). What works is using Geocoder.lookup (with getsUserLocation as true) and putting in the Search.autocomplete displayLines (as a string) for the query. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
const exampleQuery = '<example address>';
const search = new mapkit.Search({
getsUserLocation: true,
(error, data) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Search error:', error);
const { coordinate } = data.results[0];
console.log("Autocomplete coordinate", coordinate); // Lat and lng are both have 13 decimal places
const geoCoder = new mapkit.Geocoder({});
new mapkit.Coordinate(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude),
(error, data) => {
const { formattedAddress, coordinate } = data.results[0];
console.log(formattedAddress, coordinate); // Not the same address from example query and from the search autocomplete, also the coordinate has 7 decimal places
I created a PointsOfInterestSearch (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkitjs/pointsofinterestsearch) on the frontend using MapKit JS:
const poiSearch = new window.mapkit.PointsOfInterestSearch({
center: new mapkit.Coordinate(userLocation.lat, userLocation.lng),
radius: 10000,
poiSearch.search((error, results) => {
console.log("Length of poiSearch:", results.places.length);
results.places.forEach((place) => {
console.log("Name:", place.name);
The length of results.places is 20. Trying it with a bigger radius also still results in 20.
The docs for PointsOfInterestSearchResponse shows only a places (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkitjs/pointsofinterestsearchresponse) and no options for pagination.
How can I paginate the rest of the results?
This doesn't really say what to do with .p8 private key. I know I am a noob but I really don't understand Apple Doc at all. There is no example or anything like that.
const appleMapKit = await fetch("https://maps-api.apple.com/v1/token", {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${server_api_token}`,
This is what I did but because I created the token on website, server_api_token only lasts 7 days.
So, I tried to use Profile - Key to replace that. I have .p8 file and how can I use this to create the token for the server api?
When trying the request "hotels" on MapKitJS with searchRegionPriority=default, it will return an hotel in Ramallah even if the searchRegion is very far from there. It can happen if your search region is very broad in most place (above Europe if you zoom out a lot, over Turkey and Middle East even if the bounding box is narrower), but on specific places it happens even with a small search region (like in Tripoli, Lebanon, whatever the zoom level). With searchRegionPriority=required, many hotels can be found in the same area.
Reproduce with:
Have been trying to work with MapkitJS for a website, but I'm stumped on once basic capability: I want to be able to click on a point of interest, and perform some actions such as:
Get its coordinates
Attach an annotation to it (e.g. a callout)
In my code, PointOfInterest's are selectable:
map.selectableMapFeatures = [
But when I click on one, I do see the marker pop up but nothing else (which is not much help since there is no additional information in the marker itself). I see no event getting triggered that I can do something with.
I am using an event listener as follows:
map.addEventListener('single-tap', (event) => {
const coordinate = map.convertPointOnPageToCoordinate(event.pointOnPage);
console.log('Map tapped at:', coordinate);
console.log('Map tapped event:', event);
I guess I have to grab the Place ID somehow but I don't know how to.
Thanks for any help.
I have been using the following python library to generate apple map snapshots. has worked fine until about ~12 hours ago - now all I'm getting is "bad request" for any snapshot with overlays. if it's just a snapshot with a defined center and no polyline overlays, it still works. perhaps something has changed with the api's way of parsing percent encoded parameters? it's super irritating that there's no changelog or source code to view.
what the heck???
I'm using apple maps to build a feature so users can create and save running/cycling/hiking routes.
Currently the map only shows trails and similar local paths after zooming in to what is basically an extreme level.
I want the trails and local paths to be more visible on a further, broader level of zoom.
Also strange that on iOS the path is visible while more zoomed out whereas JS does not.
Please advise how to show these map items at a broader zoom.
I am using the code provided on the website https://developer.apple.com/maps/sample-code/embedded-map/index.html, replacing it with my own MapKit JS Token. When accessing it using a network in mainland China, a 401 error occurs with the message [Initialization failed because the authorization token is invalid]. However, it works normally when using a network in Japan. Does this service not work in mainland China?
Hi, in MapKit JS the hybrid view appears to have lost the street names overlay in the last few days. Does anyone know if this is an issue/error or a changed feature?
Hi, I'm building a nextjs app based on of MapkitJS.
I tried to pass a new value to cameraZoomRange like the code below. As long as I put in this part map.cameraZoomRange, the error shows up. Not sure it's my fault, or the bug of MapkitJS.
const map = new window.mapkit.Map(element, {
colorScheme: mqMatchLightTheme
? window.mapkit.Map.ColorSchemes.Light
: window.mapkit.Map.ColorSchemes.Dark,
showsCompass: window.mapkit.FeatureVisibility.Hidden,
showsMapTypeControl: false,
showsZoomControl: false,
showsUserLocation: true,
tracksUserLocation: true,
isRotationEnabled: true,
isZoomEnabled: true,
map.cameraZoomRange = new window.mapkit.CameraZoomRange({
minCameraDistance: 14,
maxCameraDistance: Infinity,
Hi, I am building a Next.js app on top of Mapkit JS but I keep getting this error randomly. The map works most of the time but this error triggers randomly sometimes when the map loads even though I have not used the fillOpacity parameter at all. Even defining the parameter still causes the error.
mapkit.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: [MapKit] Expected a number value for Style.fillOpacity, but got NaN instead.
at Object.checkType (mapkit.js:2:205350)
at set fillOpacity (mapkit.js:2:670243)
at set fillOpacity (mapkit.js:2:673537)
at _.performScheduledUpdate (mapkit.js:2:643649)
at mapkit.js:2:221322
at m (mapkit.js:2:221358)
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"
import { useTheme } from "next-themes"
declare global {
interface Window {
mapkit: any
interface MapKitProps {
latitude: number
longitude: number
zoom: number
const MapKit: React.FC = ({ latitude, longitude, zoom }) => {
const mapRef = useRef(null)
const mapInstanceRef = useRef(null)
const { setTheme, theme } = useTheme()
useEffect(() => {
if (window.mapkit && mapRef.current) {
authorizationCallback: (done: (token: string) => void) => {
const token = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLE_MAPKIT_TOKEN
if (token) {
} else {
console.error("MapKit JS token is not set")
// Clean up the previous map instance if it exists
if (mapInstanceRef.current) {
// Create a new map instance
mapInstanceRef.current = new window.mapkit.Map(mapRef.current, {
center: new window.mapkit.Coordinate(latitude, longitude),
zoom: zoom,
colorScheme: theme,
_allowWheelToZoom: true,
// Cleanup function to destroy the map instance when the component unmounts
return () => {
if (mapInstanceRef.current) {
}, [latitude, longitude, zoom])
return <div ref={mapRef} style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }} />
export default MapKit
When I create a polyline and add it to the map, it will disappear if the map is moved. If I add a polygon or annotation, it remains on the map if the map is moved:
const polyline = new mapkit.PolylineOverlay(path, {
style: new mapkit.Style({
lineWidth: 5,
strokeColor: '#007AFF',
lineJoin: 'round',
lineCap: 'round'
// disappears if the map moves or zoom changes
const polygon = new mapkit.PolygonOverlay(shapes, {
style: new mapkit.Style({
fillRule: 'evenodd'
enabled: false
// remains on map when map moves or zoom changes
Why is it inconsistent? How can I make the polyline stay until I explicitly remove it?
I am building a web app using Mapkit JS, and have something up an running where I can add markers and annotate places with Place ID (I followed along with the WWDC24 video).
However occasionally, while I'm doing nothing on the browser, I get an runtime error with the following error trace (from developer tools in Chrome).
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'tint')
at get tint (mapkit.core.annotations.d43c86.js:2:97102)
at get colorScheme (mapkit.core.annotations.d43c86.js:2:81602)
at e.exports.PlaceCardController._renderPlaceIframe (mapkit.core.map.536988.js:2:214785)
at e.exports.PlaceCardController.update (mapkit.core.map.536988.js:2:212978)
at e.exports.PlaceCardController._handleConfigChanged (mapkit.core.map.536988.js:2:213284)
at _handleConfigChangedListener (mapkit.core.map.536988.js:2:212679)
at n.dispatchEvent (mapkit.core.js:2:16624)
at mapkit.core.js:2:10799
It is completely random, and not a result of any browser / Map interaction.
Seems to be an issue in mapkit.core, and related to Place IDs.
Can anyone help with this?
I am trying to use MapKit JS in Tauri and Flutter desktop apps but I can‘t because if I want the key not to expire I have to whitelist a domain but my apps don't run on the web and therefore don't have a valid domain.
I might be being really ******, but I'm struggling to find a way to update the map kit token when it expires. We have a display that shows a map for a long time and for some reason the map stops loading and I think it's cause the token expires however I can't work out away to tell it to load a new token.