MKMapView appears red on iOS 18 simulator + Xcode 16

We are experiencing an issue where MKMapView appears red on the app builded with Xcode 16 and executed on iOS 18 simulator.

Only the ground is affected and buildings or POIs stay normal color.

Xcode 16.1 beta 3 shows same result.

Is there any similar case?

I have the same problem. The background goes to bright red..If I zoom way out it shows normal. but just a little zooming in results in going back to red.

Very frustrating!

Same, has anyone resolved this issue?

I just ran into this issue as well... weirdly, there are parts that do not get red, like London. But the majority looks like this:

Yes, I'm also facing the same issue. Does anyone find solution for this? Also, why is it happening only with iOS 18?

That's very odd. I'd like to verify a few basics here:

  1. Do you have any extra simulator debug settings enabled, like Debug > Color Blended Layers, or any others under the Simulator's Debug menu?
  2. You can reproduce this only in the simulator, but never on device?
  3. Does this reproduce with a brand new app created from Xcode's File > New Project with just a Map or MKMapView?

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

@DTS Engineer

Thank you for your attention. For my case the answer is following:

  1. No, none of the Debug option is enabled
  2. Yes, it only happens in the iOS 18 simulator but never on device. Also, iOS 17 and earlier is not affected
  3. It seems not. (I'm still using UIKit for my project so tried with Storyboard for reproducing)

Thanks for those details @yayoi-d. The next time you encounter this, I'd like you to create a test project that starts from your real code base, and begin shrinking it down, since you're saying that a brand new Xcode project doesn't reproduce. The link above has good advice to use here, and going through a fairly course effort to shrink the project may reveal something specific to your project that is of interest. And if you get the code size down to effectively "just" a MKMapView with not much else when starting from your real app, and can still reproduce it then, I would file a bug report that includes the shrunken project, a sysdiagnose, and also a video capturing what you're seeing. If you file a bug report, please post the FB number here.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

@DTS Engineer

Thank you for your advice. I'm also facing the same issue. Just run the in any iPhone Simulator (iOS 18.1) and you will see the red screen while zooming in.

We are experiencing the same problem.

I am also experiencing the same thing, I am using iPhone SE 3rd gen iOS 18.0 simulator.

Oddly enough if I am in a different location it renders fine, but for some reason it's red for the entire New Mexico

I'm surprise that these Apple developers are unable to reproduce this issue. Wow!

I'd like folks reproducing this to file bug reports with the following:

  • Screenshots or video of what you're seeing
  • Confirmation that none of the graphical debugging options in the simulator menus that I previously mentioned are enabled
  • A sysdiagnose from the simulator, which you can gather by running xcrun simctl diagnose in Terminal

Once you file your report, please post the FB number here for my reference. And if you've never filed a bug with Apple before, please have a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

The same issue happens to me, I use SwiftUI Maps, if I use MapStyle.standard, the map is red, it works fine when I switch to .satellite mode. The map is also red in the Maps app on that simulator.

I use iOS 18.1 Simulator iPad (10th generation) on Xcode 16.1 (16B40)

@fzfpff, please see my prior response, and please post the FB number once you do.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

I experienced the same issue in react native but ifugured out what is the issue and here is the solution for it: this is of not doing complete Configuration of google maps for iOS add #import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> and

  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

{ [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"googlemaps api key"];

to the app file


target 'project' do rn_maps_path = '../node_modules/react-native-maps' pod 'react-native-google-maps', :path => rn_maps_path

to podfile

then run pod install

MKMapView appears red on iOS 18 simulator + Xcode 16