Unable to accept the updated Paid Applications Schedule 2

I recently got this notice:

Review the updated Paid Applications Schedule.

In order to update your existing apps, create new in-app purchases, and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module.

Requirements to accept:

(1): User with Legal role = CHECK
(2): Must have already agreed to Apple Developer Program License Agreement = CHECK
(3): Go to Agreements, Tax, and Banking


When I go to the agreements, ta... all I see is a white/blank page with a centered grey square in the middle. Unable to move forward from here. I tried different browsers etc. and also added a support ticket for apple. However eager as I am to have my new App version released, I hope that some of you may know what is wrong or are experiencing something similar?

Add. info:

I am not a tech guy, but when I inspect the page on the 'blank page' I see these 3 errors. I am unsure if they are telling what is wrong:

- Uncaught TypeError: window.itc-base-container is not a constructor at jumpTo?page=contracts:59

- Uncaught ReferenceError: $j is not defined at jumpTo?page=contracts:91

- Uncaught ReferenceError: $j is not defined at jumpTo?page=contracts:267

Your account not only needs to be an administrator, but the "Account Holder". I assume as it's financial documents, they need the person who owns the accounts that the money from IAPs is paid into.

Apple's support for devs is truly awful. It's such a contrast to their support for consumers. From looking into this, I've seen threads that're open for years, with a dozen or so people having the same issue, and no response from Apple. Not to mention that lazily greying out a check box and leaving the developer to figure out what that means shows no consideration at all for the devs.
How was this finally resolved for you folks? I'm running into the same issue. Sole "Account Holder" account, no access to Taxes and Agreements, direct link shows the page without anything to sign, while Apple Developer Relations point out that I haven't signed the latest agreement.

I'm opening a ticket with Apple Developer Program Support and they're having someone looking into it.
So embarrassing for Apple this, it works fine in GOOGLE Chrome, but not in APPLE Safari hahaha, what a total bunch of wasters.

Having this problem today. Have any ideia what went wrong ?

Facing same issue here. If anyone find a solution then please post it here

  • Solution: go to IOS Settings, login into your account where you can credit card details or the site where you can change your login credentials: agree new terms.

go back to app store: now page should not be empty

Totally piece of crap from apple.

Facing same issue here.

Unable to accept the updated Paid Applications Schedule 2